
I have been asked many times to set up a blog page for my site. Well…here it is. Finally.  As to the name of the blog, having lived in Italy for the past years, the first three words describe my feelings about this adventure. Most of my work up until recently has been dedicated to esoteric and Chinese astrology, but since the Year of the Mountain Dog (2018) I have found it necessary to bring the focus more onto what is emerging in our changing world. These pages are for engaging in discussion of that world, in all its inglorious splendor. It can at various times seem confusing and terrifying,  or even welcome and fascinating…you get the idea. But behind it all is a plan. No, I’m not talking about Illuminati, secret organizations and tin foil hat stuff here, although I will be accused of it.  There is a plan, though, and the ‘stars’ tell the tale, or at the very least give us signposts along the way. We can read the signs or ignore them, in the vein of “Believe it, or else!” Or, if we are not driving, just enjoy the ride. Any way we choose, we all get there together. So, whatever your take on astrology, whether traditional, esoteric, modern, Oriental, Vedic or otherwise, feel free to join in the conversation. You can even comment in different languages, but English is preferred (there is a ‘Translate’ widget). The only thing I ask is that comments are kept respectful of differing points of view and kept to point. Abusive comments will be dumped by the moderator (me). We’re exploring here instead of trying to be definitive or ‘win’. With all this in mind, Happy Travels! I look forward to hearing from you. And watch out for those canines! (I like dogs.) Oh yeah, the picture is not a dog, but that’s another story.
