Just when we thought things were getting interesting in the Middle East, just when we thought Brexit was going to happen/not happen – who knows any more – the Italians have come along and given us something else to talk about. On the 23rd of March they went ahead and did the unthinkable, at least in the eyes of Washington and the head honchos in Brussels – they became the first G7 country to join China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Washington is not happy. Macron is aghast, as are many in Brussels. Secretly, other European states are looking at it and going, “Why not?” The Germans and the French are probably jealous. I had forecast before that big challenges were coming for Europe, meaning the EU, and it was not just about Brexit. I, for one, think the EU will survive. But there will be very significant changes in its structure. Continue reading “The emerging situation in Europe”
The Hare, the Moon Maiden and the Magpies: The Meaning
Legend has it that Cháng’é was a beautiful woman married to the master archer, Hòu Yì. He was so legendary that he shot down nine of ten suns that had risen together in those distant times, which were scorching the Earth and causing hardship for the people, thus leaving the one sun we have to this day. As a reward for his skill and valor, he was given the elixir of immortality. We don’t know who gave him this magic elixir. We assume it was the gods, but who can say? Anyway, Yì decided not to drink it just then, but instead hid it away at home in the care of his wife, Cháng’é. Continue reading “The Hare, the Moon Maiden and the Magpies: The Meaning”
Libra 2018: Emerging blocs and the changing economic order
A summary of my recent post on the Libra full moon. You can see the full article at the READ MORE link below. Comments welcome. Topics include:
Brexit, the Eurozone and a possibility
“We are just about to enter the Libra interval for 2018 with the equinox and the Libra ingress. The full moon of this period is becoming of increasing importance for us as we slowly attain to the Aquarian Age, and the full moon of the Libra interval will therefore receive more than the average emphasis, by nature of what it represents. The activity of the planet Venus is thus more and more pronounced as an outer emphasis, with Uranus acting behind the scenes and with people who are able to respond to it in a positive manner. This is a powerful pairing of planets, leading to greater integration between the higher and lower mind and thereafter to reorganization of life along more spiritual lines. As a result, we are seeing transitions, shifts in the balance of power in the world, shifts in relations between nations, some of which have existed for many centuries, a shift from the West to the East in terms of economic power, and so forth. It is all according to plan and it is something to be welcomed, even though nations that once were able to exert great control see their power waning through this transition period…READ MORE
Featured Image: https://www.deviantart.com/juliedillon/art/Libra-Llewellyn-Worldwide-350276480