The 2024 British general election

The British elections, like July 4, 2024 have come and gone. We are told the result was a landslide victory for the Labour Party, while the conservatives lost BIGLY, as Trump would say. But upon further examination, we see the real factors that caused Labour’s landslide, as it was called, were voter apathy and populist nationalism. The big losers in the British general election were the British general public. It is an old story, which we will cover here. For more, read on… Continue reading “The 2024 British general election”

Surfing the zeitgeist in the UK

Zeitgeist: \ ˈtsīt-ˌgīst , ˈzīt- \: the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era, or ‘the spirit of the times’. The spirit of the times in the UK is not exactly flash at the moment. There are long queues at airports and ports all over the UK, especially in Dover. COVID remains a thing, which worries many people still. Inflation is sharply up. Food, petrol and energy prices are sharply up. In fact, the UK has the highest inflation of all the G7 countries, at nearly 10% as of this writing. Winter is around the corner. And now the British public is being shown the spector of two libertarian candidates to lead the Tories for until the next general election. The zeitgeist of the UK is not one for happy campers, unless one happens to have heaps of dosh. Continue reading “Surfing the zeitgeist in the UK”