The Cancer solar ingress 2024 ([Note:] text added as updates)

The Sun enters Cancer on 20 June this year, marking the Cancerian solstice. Following on from the events from the previous quarter, this one appears as though it will be much the same as the last one, with a few differences. Starting from April of last year a consistent theme in most of the ingress figures at the equinoxes and solstices has been the presence of the Sun in a hard aspect to Neptune, either by conjunction, square or opposition. This ingress figure features a partile square between the two, which will produce significant evenets. For more, read on…

The ingress of the Sun into Cancer takes place on June 20th at 20:51 UTC. The chart for the solar ingress is below (bigger):

Since this is a solar ingress chart the aspects and midpoints formed by the Sun are the most important features. The Sun is in a partile square to Neptune, with a 7’ orb. In addition, the Sun is quincunx Pluto, the two combined aspects suggesting strong efforts to control public opinion and discourse via the media and lawfare. The Sun/Neptune square forms midpoints with Saturn and Pluto, as follows:

    • Sun/Nep=Sat/Node: “Impressionability and susceptibility, a negative attitude to life, weakness, plans without the power to carry them through, peculiar ideas, the craving for drugs and narcotic stimulants, self-deception…=…+ Association with elderly or experienced persons, also sponsorship through such people – Inhibitions and difficulties in association or partnerships, termination of blood-relationships, the death of relatives or of kindred, disadvantages through other persons, co-operative work or team-work which is steadily becoming more difficult.
    • Sun=Sat/Node: “The desire for seclusion, the tendency to feel uncomfortable or hindered in the presence of others. – The separated husband, the widower. – Separation.”
    • Nep=Sat/Node: “The feeling of being neglected by others, of being misunderstood or of being lonely. – Emotional suffering through false-hood, deception, fraud, separation, illness.”

The last two midpoints give the particulars to the first one, which is an overall view of all the factors presented. Since the Sun and Neptune are squared this figure represents a particular hypersensitivity to environment and emotions, with the probability of frayed nerves. In all, this ingress tends toward a very stressful summer season in the north. Then we see the following midpoint:

    • Ura=Sat/Plu: A person unafraid of danger, the ability to make sudden decisions in the most difficult situations. – Sudden acts of violence.

With the above points in mind, to get a feel for what is coming this quarter it is always a good idea to look at the past one for background. We had the following in terms of a forecast for the Aries quarter:

    • “This quarter will be the one in which decisions are made based on the hard realities dawning on leadership across the world. Starting with the US, the eclipse on April 8, which is a total solar eclipse, lies opposite the US Saturn and squares the US Sun. A solar eclipse defines not only a point, but also an axis with the opposite point. Mars will transit the eclipse axis in the latter part of May, which will bring some ‘come to Jesus moments’ within the State Department and the Biden administration.” [Note]: That ‘come to Jesus moment’ came in Washington, but it was unreported. It had to do with the rapid deterioration in Biden’s condition, meaning h was unable to effectively perform the function of the chief executive. That was completely whitewashed in the media. Biden’s competence was seriously called into question.
    • “…unless NATO attacks Russia – equally unlikely, as NATO is totally unprepared to go up against the Red Army – the Russians have no desire to attack other NATO member states.
    • “There will still be considerable violence this quarter…” [Note]: In fact, there was, with the ongoing genocide, the Crocus massacre in Russia, the Israeli attacks in Damascus and the counter-strikes by Iran and the ongoing war in Ukraine, to cite a few examples.
    • “People are rising up, demanding an end to funding wars that do not affect them, an end to supporting genocide which is against all human higher principles. Our world is changing, and changing quickly. With this quarter we might see some dramatic events that will lead us to a more stable and peaceful coexistence. And in the US, it may yet come to pass that neither of the candidates for president who are now front runners make it to November 5th. Wouldn’t that be something? We are at a point of real precipitation now.”

In addition to the above, we saw the UNSC passing a resolution for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the release of all hostages (on both sides), the collision of the MV Dali with the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore Harbor, a series of solar storms and intense sunspot activity causing spectacular aurorae, Trump was found guilty on 34 felony counts in his hush money trial, the EU Parliamentary elections were held, dealing a big blow to the centrists, the 2024 Hajj disaster (where over 1,300 people died from the heat), the latter taking place a few days after this solstice.

What can we expect, then, for this coming quarter, given the preceding forecast? In addition to the Sun/Neptune square coupled with the Sun/Pluto quincunx we can expect more censorship in our Western media. The Moon in normally more exuberant Sagittarius is square to Saturn and semisquare to Pluto. This is a difficult combination, pointing to emotional inhibitions and sadness. With the ongoing genocide in Gaza, it also points to the sadness and deaths of women there. We probably will not see an end to the genocide this quarter.

We note Ceres has gone out-of-bounds (OOB) and is increasing its OOB transit, marking a voyage toward a real crossroads moment wherein there will be no turning back for any person or group who would have to make choices about their direction in life.

Amidst all the preceding, we note the Sun is conjunct Venus and Mercury, forming an inferior stellium (meaning pertaining to inner planets) in Cancer. Transiting Mars is sextile to Mercury and Venus, pointing to glamour on the one side (Venus to Mars) and the unveiling of truth on the other (Mercury to Mars). Conflicts do have a way of bringing truth to life after a time, while at the same time truth can be one of the main casualties of war, especially at the start of conflicts. The utter barbarity of the Israelis is evident for all to see, whoever cares to look, while the hasbara continues about the alleged atrocities of Hamas. [Note]: It has since come to light that the stories about babies and rapes on the part of Hamas have been proven false, while it is known the Israelis themselves killed many of their own people on October 7th. The IOF also routinely uses rape of prisoners as torture.

Finally as to the chart – and we could add much more – we see Jupiter trine to Pluto, which is a wealth generating aspect, brilliant for organizers and for the institution of large projects. Of course it goes without saying there are a few people and corporations making huge profits off the current conflicts. At the same time it points to stock market bubbles, too, coupled with the Sun/Neptune, the latter giving the illusions needed to push a stock to its apex before a selloff.

Then, there is the Uranus trine to Pluto – the enormous energy needed for innovation, revolutionary ideas, creative people coming to the fore, and those rare people endowed with universal genius. For these last two paragraphs, we look to Eurasia to see the results – i.e. BRICS and the other emerging unions and economic initiatives taking place in Eurasia as we speak.

In all, this looks to be a testing and trying quarter for the masses. The sign Cancer is intimately tied to the masses, to children and to women on the whole. The powers-that-be will try their hardest to keep the truth from us in the West, while the East and the Global South are looking to the future, with or without the West.

These are tumultuous times. But for people of vision and courage, this quarter represents an opportunity to put big plans for the future in motion, even though those plans may be only seeds at the moment. “From a tiny acorn, a mighty oak might grow.” Look past the morass and smoke and mirrors of the present and gain insight for the future. The cycles dictate that every group, bloc or even empire has their ebb and flow. The same is true for people. We can either rebel against what we are witnessing or find our place within it. In the latter lies our opportunity.

Featured pic from Vecteezy

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