The solar annular eclipse of 2 Oct 2024

There was a solar annular eclipse on 2 Oct 2024 that traversed the southern Pacific. The eclipse path started just south of Hawaii and ended near the Cape Horn in South America. This particular eclipse is in a waxing series and will bear fruit for the US and much of the West. That fruit may be less than palatable, though. For more, read on…

The maximum eclipse took place at 18:45 UTC. The annular eclipse was only visible largely in Argentina and Chile, while portions of South America could view the eclipse as a partial one. Wikipedia had the following regarding the visibility of the eclipse (they are usually pretty good on eclipses and natural events, those without human interference):

“Other than Easter Island and a small portion near the southern tips of Argentina and Chile and the north of the Falkland Islands, the path of the eclipse’s antumbra occurred over the Pacific Ocean. The penumbra was visible from Hawaii, eastern Oceania, southern and central South America, the southwesternmost parts of Mexico (more specifically, Baja California del Sur and Jalisco), and portions of Antarctica. Approximately 175,000 people live in the path of annularity.”

The eclipse path is shown below (bigger):

At maximum annularity the eclipse appeared so, at Puerto San Julian, Argentina:

This eclipse was the 17th of the solar Saros 144 series. It was a south node eclipse at the 11th degree of the Libra/Aries axis, with the Sun and Moon in Libra. Mercury was the lord of the eclipse. The series is unusual, in that it will produce no total eclipses. The maximum magnitude for the eclipses in the series so far took place on 30 Jul 1916. The absolute maxima for the series will occur several hundred years hence.

The Sabian symbol for the degree of the eclipse is as follows:

    • A professor peering over his glasses at his students (11° Libra)

There is thereby an element of ‘instruction’ with this eclipse. As to what that might mean, that will become clear below. The chart for the eclipse is below (bigger):

Alluding back to the instructive element for the eclipse degree, all eclipses are moon wobbles and thereby portend stress and emotional upsets. This one is shows Mars at the apex of a t-square with the eclipse axis. Mars is contra-parallel with Pluto, showing the capacity for sudden and violent events. Just after this eclipse took place Hurricane Milton began to bear down on the Florida coast as a category five storm. Evacuations were called for and they had some of the worst flooding and damage in that state from a hurricane since 2017.

The dwarf planet Ceres also sits at the apex on a t-square with the eclipse axis, but opposite Mars. Ceres is out-of-bounds (OOB), beginning its descent in-bound, but it is in a close square to the eclipse. One implication from those two t-squares is a military turning point, which indeed we saw on the day before the eclipse, when Iran somewhat restored deterrence against Israel with its ballistic missile barrage, without the missiles being intercepted by the Israelis by and large. The Israelis have yet to respond to the barrage, and they may not at all, given what the Iranians have promised them if they do.

There are no trines or sextiles to the eclipse axis, so this eclipse exudes tension. In addition to the preceding paragraph, there is a ‘Finger of the World’ configuration, one that carries the dynamic of ‘restructuring’. The base square is formed by the eclipse and Ceres, with the apex planet as Uranus. Dane Rudhyar had the following take on the Finger of the World:

“…It challenges one to concrete action (square) that must be well advertised and disseminated, but which at the same time should stand on its own as a self-evident answer to a pressing social or evolutionary need.” (From pg. 125 of his book Astrological Aspects)

So, we have OOB Ceres square to the eclipse axis, denoting a strong momentum toward a change of ‘season’ in the international scene, which is to be brought about through sudden, unexpected and surprising means (Uranus), which is what we saw with the Iranian counterattack, for instance. The pressing need in West Asia is for an end to the conflict. At the moment it appears that will have to be effected by military means. But that can change suddenly, too.

Uranus was also at the midpoint of the eclipse/Mars square. The Sun/Mars square is particularly important for our considerations here:

    • Ura=Sun/Mars: Premature action or hastiness, impulsive behaviour, the tendency to do one’s work in a state of excitement, the overtaxing of one’s strength. – Sudden events, adjustment to new conditions or circumstances, change of vocation, military call-up.

What we have seen accompanying this eclipse is that Israel and the White House have had to make ‘adjustments’ to their plans regarding the conflicts in Ukraine and Israel. There is no longer talk of bombing Iranian infrastructure except possibly for military sites. In the past the talk would have been “Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran”. It would appear the Iranian strike on 1st October drove home the point that the Western powers had better think twice, maybe ten times before they strike Iran. The plan for long range strikes into Russia has been shelved also.

We see the first part of the midpoint just described also on the 1st of October, with the Israeli attempt to invade Lebanon, and the assassination of Nasrallah a few days before. Those actions were done under delusion or were ill-thought. The attempted invasion has also overtaxed the Israeli military and public. Israel has not been able to advance in southern Lebanon except for a few hundred meters. The tendency for the Israelis is to act impulsively anyway when they feel threatened, to strike first and think about consequences later, consistent with the Sun/Mars square in their natal chart.

The eclipse fell on the Israeli Neptune, showing their lack of judgement. It is worth noting, too, the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Leo in Israel’s chart, a conjunction that has been associated with mass murder. When negatively expressed it has the following connotations:

    • Sat/Plu: “A hard and unfeeling disposition also cold-heartedness, severity, tendency to violence, a fanatical adherence to one’s principles once they have been adopted. A martyr. Violence. (Mass murderer).”

That pretty well describes what we see with the Israelis, and have seen over the years. But other nations are affected by this eclipse, listed below. Those effects for each nation are far too much to address here, except for a few:

  • United States: Saturn, square the Sun
  • Israel: Neptune
  • Iran: Sun
  • Syria: Mercury
  • Cuba: Venus
  • Canada: Neptune
  • Bolivia: Ceres
  • Haiti: Horizon axis
  • UK: Horizon axis
  • China: Sun, Mercury, Venus
  • NATO: Neptune
  • Ireland: Neptune
  • North Korea: Meridian axis, Mercury, Neptune
  • South Korea: Neptune
  • Myanmar: Neptune
  • India: Neptune
  • Pakistan: Neptune
  • Mexico: Meridian axis
  • Turkey: Mars
  • Kazakhstan: Meridian axis
  • Ukraine: Meridian axis
  • Armenia: Mars
  • Spain: Venus, Pluto
  • Qatar: Uranus

This eclipse will be activated by another solar eclipse on 29 March 2025. The first Mars activation takes place on 23 Aug 2025. The next Mars activation will be on 22 April 2026, conjunct Saturn, which will likely finish the influence of this eclipse. But there will still be carry-on effects via the activating eclipse from next year. These two eclipses will likely signal the cementing of the multipolar world and the rapid receding of Western imperial interests.

When eclipses are activated the planet or angles (axis) they occur on receive special emphasis. Of the nations that have been in the news recently listed above, eight of them have Neptune activated in their current national charts. Eclipses to Neptune bring either inspiration or confusion, delusion and poor decisions. Such is the case with most of them listed with Neptune receiving an eclipse.

In the case of the US, with this eclipse on the US Saturn, the past is coming back to haunt Washington. The elder statesmen are either gone now or getting quite old. Experience is being ignored in Washington in favour of ‘narrative’ and wishful thinking. Unable to let go of the past and look ahead, this eclipse is bringing reality to bear. Ukraine is a lost cause. Israel is quickly being lost. America’s prestige is going along with Israel. Some difficult lessons are being brought to bear. This will be (hopefully) an instructive period for Washington and sobering at the same time.

Eclipses to the Sun (Iran and China, above) bring either acclaim or a burst ego. If the former, as is the case with Iran, one is finally recognized for the strength and capabilities. Such an eclipse will bring advancement. For Iran this eclipse means coming out of their isolation (the Iranian Sun stands alone in the chart in Aries), whereas for China this eclipse will bode well for them, as the current (1949) chart for them shows their Sun to be well aspected.

We could go on with the planetary indications but perhaps these will suffice to give an idea of what to expect from an eclipse. One has to look at how the planet or angle is aspected as well as the general tone of the eclipse. So, this eclipse will either spur innovation or it will give some ‘surprises’, and ones not necessarily pleasant. Then we come to the culmination lines, below (bigger):

In finishing, the culmination lines for the eclipse bring added emphases. The Pluto and Ceres culminations run through Western Europe. Europeans are finally beginning to wake up to the subterfuge forced upon them by the United States, in cooperation with the feckless West European leadership, in hopes of defeating Russia. We will see big changes in leadership in Western Europe over the next year or two, especially in Germany, as the Western project in Ukraine draws to a close over the next months.

The eclipse/Mercury lines run through the central United States, which is bringing up all the darker elements within American society for review – Washington’s past, sex scandals, dirty politics (But what’s new in America? Besides, what’s a good election without a juicy scandal?), the shenanigans of the plutocrats, control over speech and media, even assassinations. But most especially this eclipse has brought the focus of Americans on their leaders, who are showing very poorly at the moment. The election on November 5th is going to be a decisive one for the American public in terms of turning a corner on ‘things as they have been’. The US is in for rethink across the board – BIGLY!

The Saturn culmination line runs through the Urals (Russia), Iran and Saudi Arabia, indicating restraint as well as obstacles, which the Iranians and Russians both are showing. But Saturn also highlights ambitions. We are likely to see a strengthening of the two nations’ strategic partnership and BRICS interactions and perhaps/probably the need to support each other militarily. At some point the Israelis are bound to attack Iran again, at which point the spectre of a reginal and then perhaps world war raises its head. On that cheery note, we will close out this report.

This eclipse was accompanied by comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan–ATLAS) and will prove to be revelatory in the long term. So, keep your eyes and minds open. It’s going to be quite a ride over the next few months!

Featured pic from Money Control

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