The Capricorn solar ingress 2024

We are all familiar with the saying, “It is always darkest before the dawn.” Our world seems to be rather in chaos at the moment, especially since the start of December this year. We see increasing military actions across Eastern Europe and West Asia, increasing terrorist attacks in Europe – Russia being the largest country in Europe – elections being overturned because certain nations do not like the results, increasing levels of threat, people and nations waiting in bated breath for the next US administration, and so on. Do we have need to be concerned, or is all this shown ‘in the stars’? To find out, read on…It is going to be a wild one. Continue reading “The Capricorn solar ingress 2024”

The Capricorn ingress 2022

The ingress of the Sun into Capricorn takes place every year on 21 December, marking the end of the calendar year and the start of the northern winter. Normally this ingress inaugurates a period of introspection, as in the year that is finishing. This year is different, however: This Capricorn ingress shows a real turning point in world events and a changed world order. It therefore shows an opportunity for fresh starts across the world. We will have a look at some of the major points here, with a wider exposition to come in the Chinese New Year letter – the Year of the Black Rabbit. For more, read on… Continue reading “The Capricorn ingress 2022”

The Capricorn ingress for 2021

Merry Christmas, All! As 2021 winds down and we face a new year, we turn once again to the ingress of the Sun into Capricorn, which actually sets the tone for the coming year, as well as wrapping up the present one. Capricorn displays the best and the worst aspects of humanity. As 2021 passes into the twilight, we take a brief look back and then forward, from a year that will be gladly relegated to memory, to one that promises real change. And the world’s elites are being put on notice. Continue reading “The Capricorn ingress for 2021”