The Capricorn ingress 2020 and the Great Conjunction

We are in for a rare treat at Christmastime this year, starting with the Capricorn ingress of the Sun at the solstice. It will precede by a couple of hours an event that takes place every 20 years. What’s so rare about it, then, you might ask? The 20 year bit refers to the Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions, which happen at that interval of time. But this one happens to be at the solstice on the first degree of Aquarius, and it will be the closest one such since 1623, appearing almost as a Christmas star. Nice! No doubt you have heard about it by now, and no doubt quite a bit of woo-factor in relation to it. We will have a look first at what the ingress holds for the next quarter, and then an in-depth look at what this Great Conjunction will actually produce. Continue reading “The Capricorn ingress 2020 and the Great Conjunction”

The Capricorn solar ingress 2019

On 22 December 2019 the Sun enters Capricorn, setting the primary tone for the quarter leading to Aries. That quarter will be a particularly potent one this year with many follow-on effects. The reasons for stating that will be outlined in the course of this article. The Capricorn quarter always contains the start of the lunar New Year, the year for 2020 being called “The Rat on the Crossbeam”, marking a year of important decisions, from which there is no turning back. To find out what else the quarter and the coming year will entail, read on. Continue reading “The Capricorn solar ingress 2019”