Prigozhin’s last Ride of the Valkyries

On 23 August 2023 the private plane said to be carrying Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner group crashed in the Tver region of Russia just north of Moscow. There were 10 people in total aboard the plane, including the top three leaders of Wagner PMC. Investigations are ongoing. Also ongoing are all the rumors circulating in the media and social media regarding the man, the organization, the reasons for the crash and so on. We’ll see what the astrology says about the event as well as going into some of the theories here. For more, read on… Continue reading “Prigozhin’s last Ride of the Valkyries”

Yevgeny’s not-so-excellent adventure

There was a little excitement in Russia over the weekend. At last, the hoped-for victory was in sight, or so some people thought. But on the 24th, Eugene catered his last meals in Russia and the folks anticipating regime change in Moscow saw their hopes dashed by ‘Sasha’ Lukashenko – another leader they had hoped to overthrow. So, Eugene (Yevgeny) Prigozhin is now in Belarus, facing parts and a future unknown. To understand this saga, we start with this old favorite. For more, read on after the song…

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