Update on Ukraine 24 May 2022

What follows is an update on the Russian SMO (Special Military Operation) in Ukraine, now starting its fourth month. Like many readers, we all wonder how much longer it will continue. Perhaps astrology can offer some clues. As of this writing the Azov group has surrendered from their siege in the bowels of the Azovstal plant and the remaining Ukrainian troops in the Donbas republics are being pounded by the Russian and Donbas forces. Their end is nigh, either through surrender or other means. Continue reading “Update on Ukraine 24 May 2022”

Who is Zelenskyy? – hero or tragic actor?

Since the Russian Special Military Operation began in Ukraine, the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been thrust into the limelight. Depending on who one asks, Zelenskyy is variously seen as a hero of democracy, a puppet leader, a coke-head (and that is not Coca Cola) or a grifter. He started his career as a stand-up comedian and actor, most famous for his role in the Ukrainian TV series, Servant of the People, where he played a teacher who was thrust into the position of the president of the country – a case of life imitating art. And now he is thrust into the role of his life. Just who is Zelenskyy, though? Astrology gives us some clues. Continue reading “Who is Zelenskyy? – hero or tragic actor?”