The Capricorn solar ingress 2024

We are all familiar with the saying, “It is always darkest before the dawn.” Our world seems to be rather in chaos at the moment, especially since the start of December this year. We see increasing military actions across Eastern Europe and West Asia, increasing terrorist attacks in Europe – Russia being the largest country in Europe – elections being overturned because certain nations do not like the results, increasing levels of threat, people and nations waiting in bated breath for the next US administration, and so on. Do we have need to be concerned, or is all this shown ‘in the stars’? To find out, read on…It is going to be a wild one.

But first, a song:

For the Libra quarter, which we just left, the forecast was for a period of “intensive and dramatic change”, which we have certainly seen. That came right at the end of the quarter with the sudden collapse of the Syrian state, which was invaded by Salafist forces backed by Turkey. The “possible use of brute force” was certainly in evidence, with the ongoing genocide in Gaza and the West Bank, along with the invasion of Syria.

In addition to West Asia we saw an increasingly desperate Ukraine firing long-range missiles into Russia, with consequent massive counter-strikes by Russia on Ukrainian command centers and infrastructure.

Yahya Sinwar, leader of Hamas was killed in battle. Thereafter the Israelis invaded southern Lebanon, where they were halted by Hezbollah at the end of the quarter, calling a ceasefire after suffering heavy casualties on both sides. As soon as the ceasefire was called, the Salafists invaded Syria, fulfilling a long-held dream of the neocons in Washington and the Israelis of toppling Assad. Assad was airlifted to Russia, thereby escaping the fate of Gadhafi of Libya.

There was a very powerful hurricane in the Gulf Of Mexico. Spain experienced its worst flooding in 50 years. The long-period comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan–ATLAS), described as the “comet of the century”, made its closest approach to Earth.

In politics, in case you didn’t hear, Trump was re-elected for his 2nd and non-consecutive term. The election was uncontested, much as many pundits had instead said it would be. There has been a change in public sentiment in the US, largely due to Biden’s policies, a long time in the making, and bipartisan. However there has been funny business in European elections and referendums, as in Moldova, Romania, Germany, Georgia and France.

South Korean President Yoon tried to impose martial law. It didn’t work out so well for him. He is on the way to being impeached, possibly facing jail. An ICC arrest warrant was issued for Bibi and Gallant of Israel. The defeated Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili refuses to step down, (she since has) with attempts at a color revolution in Georgia underway. She will likely be removed by force.

There were massive protests in Pakistan against the imprisonment of Imran Khan, which were violently suppressed. There were also two large terrorist attacks in Pakistan with mass deaths. In France the Mazan rapes trial resulted in the convictions of over 50 men, which we will not describe, but the perps got what they deserved. It was a great victory for the women of France.

So, in all of the above we certainly have seen the use of brute force, as well as dramatic change. Also forecast were “events that shock the public and leaders into taking firmer action against recalcitrant and violent people and measures.” There were two assassination attempts against Trump, for example, with resulting increases in his security details. Brian Thompson, CEO of UnitedHealthcare was shot and killed by a lone gunman, sparking debate about the health insurance industry in the US, as another example. The shooting also has the attention of the oligarchs as to their own safety. Perhaps debate should focus upon overhauling the state of health care in America. From here we move on to the present quarter.

The ingress figure is below (bigger)

This is a most extraordinary figure in some ways. Besides the Sun sitting on the Capricorn Aries point, it is involved in several midpoints and geometric aspect patterns of great interest and strength. We see the Sun at the following midpoint:

    • Sun=Mars/Ura: “A sound physique capable of sudden extra-effort, a person who is able to act quickly. – A sudden adjustment to new circumstances and conditions in life, injury, accident, operation, birth.”

Mars/Uranus midpoints are most often indicative of strong emotional tensions, interventions (as in surgeries, for instance), arguments, a strong urge for independence, accidents and so-forth. But that midpoint is amplified by virtue of it being in one of the geometric patterns mentioned – a ‘quintile yod’. Historically quintiles were found to be associated with the use or abuse of authority, as well as indicating a one-pointed obsessiveness regarding a certain field of activity, the latter attendant upon the proclivities of the person possessing the configuration. The quintile patterns are shown below (bigger):

The midpoint/quintile configuration just described points to sudden events geopolitically in terms of the exercise of power, like we would see in terms of false-flag events, acts of terrorism, sudden upsets in governments and interventions by governments across their borders. We automatically look at Europe (including Russia) and West Asia for such events.

The Sun is also involved in a ‘quintile trapezoid’ and a quintile triangle. For the latter we have:

    • Sat=Sun/Ura: “Rebellion against limitation of freedom, inhibitions and difficulties are overcome through extraordinary efforts. – Sudden separation, sudden loss, a separation from another person carried out in haste.”

This is not exactly a midpoint, even by 45° modulus, but the planetary configuration gives the same meaning. Again, as with the first midpoint, we have the theme of rebellion, the urge to freedom, as well as extraordinary efforts being made to gain freedom and/or success.

As for the trapezoid, that contains all of the planets just mentioned above, but which also interlocks the yod and the triangle, further adding to the obsessive use or abuse of power. Just from what we have seen so far, we know this will be a very ‘interesting’ quarter.

There are two other midpoints by the Sun, as follows:

    • Sun=Nep/Node: “Difficulty in establishing contacts with other people, the inability to explain one’s ideas to others and also the inability to come to an understanding with other people. – The misfortune to be tormented, disappointed or let down by others.”

We see the first part of the quoted text in the lack of relations between Washington/the EU and Russia, as well as any ongoing talks between Israel and other factions on West Asia. We see the second part of the quoted text in the tormenting of minority groups in Syria by the HTS invaders, the disappointing lack of any support for Palestinians by Arab leadership and how Western publics are feeling let down by their leaders. Then, we have:

    • Sun=Ura/Ceres: Sudden or unexpected changes in leadership, unexpected events that change the course of nations and conflicts, Unusual leaders stepping forward.

This latter midpoint will add ‘interest’ to the quarter.

Returning to the ‘standard’ aspects, we notice Uranus is unaspected, yet it figures prominently with the quintile aspects. This quarter will be a good test (proving) of the efficacy of quintiles in mundane astrology.

With the standard aspects, though, another feature stands out in the chart – a Great Cross/Grand Square in mutable signs, involving the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. The defining oppositions are between the Moon and Saturn on the one side and Mercury and Jupiter on the other side. It is the oppositions that define the ‘message’ of the Great Cross, while the resulting squares give the configuration its dynamic push. In its simplest interpretation the Great Cross represents the integration of awareness (oppositions) and activity (squares).

The Moon/Saturn opposition indicates rapid learning as a result of ‘hitting bottom’ – learning rapidly through difficult experiences and then coming out on top, all being well. The Mercury/Jupiter opposition points to exaggerated ‘spin’ in the media, ‘tall tales’ which may or may nor have any bases in fact, misjudgements based in faulty reasoning (due to an inflated sense of certainty) and so-on.

The synthesis of this Great Cross is that on the world stage some groups will have learned through setbacks and will make due adjustments according the realities they face, giving them the determination to succeed at all costs; while yet other groups will barge ahead, certain of their views, all the while those views are based in faulty or false premises. The result? There will be sudden shifts in direction as the quarter progresses, as in forces arising unexpectedly when it was thought they had been brought to heel, resulting in losses for the more arrogant parties, the latter represented in the Mercury/Jupiter opposition.

Then there are the standard aspects to the Sun itself, which in this figure is the Sun/Neptune square. There is also a midpoint structure with Venus at the midpoint of the Sun/Neptune square. Ebertin in his Combination of Stellar Influences give the following:

    • Ven=Sun/Nep: “Chastity, a weakly constitution, reserve in love or in the affections. Disappointments, aberrations in love- or sex-expression.”

In a mundane figure such as this one the main import of this midpoint is one of disappointments and lack of communications. For instance there is no love lost between the Western elites and the Russian Federation, and with Russia well on its way to victory in Ukraine we can expect that diplomacy between the two will essentially be non-existent. Such is the case already, but that brings us to the Sun/Neptune square.

In a mundane figure Sun/Neptune hard aspects (conjunctions, squares, oppositions) can indicate treachery, misinformation and outright deception. The square can also represent hypersensitivity. The Trump administration is installed on 20 January, as in a few weeks from now, and we already see acts by the outgoing administration and the US security state to undermine any attempts at transparency, ending wars and other programs upon which Trump campaigned. He is already beginning to backtrack on a few of his promises – invading Panama, continuing to send weapons to Ukraine and so on.

And lastly regarding the ingress figure we see retrograde Mars opposite Pluto, which will be exact in its transit in the first week of January. This opposition has signalled much of the violence and brutality we have witnessed in the past couple of months. Mars first opposed Pluto on 6 November, signalling the electoral upset in the US and a suicide bombing in Pakistan. Mars will make its last pass opposite Pluto in the following quarter. With all the preceding in mind, what are we facing going into this quarter?

  • The bulk of Trump’s honeymoon period (100 days) in office, where he is facing significant challenges, left to him in no small part by the outgoing administration. He promised to end the war in Ukraine, for example. The only way he can bring about a quick end is to cut all arms and money shipments to the regime in Kiev. He will meet with stiff opposition if he tries. Some prominent members of Congress have received significant kickbacks from that war, as well as weapons sales and oaring stock prices for the military-industrial complex.
  • A rapidly deteriorating situation in West Asia, with uprisings in Syria against the invaders. Washington is seeking to provoke a civil war there, using its HTS proxy. They are also seeking to provoke a civil war in Lebanon, too. Anything is possible in West Asia this quarter.
  • Expect a revolt in Iran, where the current Iranian parliament just stupidly lifted the bans on WhatsApp – a favored app for use in revolts and color revolutions – and Google Play. We can also expect a renewed attempt to oust Lukashenko in Belarus after Belarusian elections at the end of January. Just so you know, Belarus has nukes and a Union State pact with Russia. Russia would see such an attempt as being existential.
  • Interesting times in the US with the new administration, depending on who is confirmed for Trump’s cabinet. There is conjecture now about ‘President Musk’. Take that as you will. There are 13 billionaires in the incoming administration. How much do we think things will change? Conflicts of interests, anyone?
  • The EU consensus will accelerate its demise.

The media spin throughout this quarter will be intense. We see it already, with the story that the US shot down its own F-18 fighter in the Red Sea, for example – a story that has more holes than the jet now has itself (It could well have been caught in a cross-fire incident). In Syria the whitewashing of the jihadis taking control in Syria will be amplified. Israel has ‘fluid boundaries’ while Russia ‘invaded’ Ukraine. Note the difference in terminology.

The Sun/Neptune square can also point to delusions, and from what we are hearing from some of the Western leadership – Jake Sullivan being a prime example – many of them believe their own rhetoric. They still try to spin the line that Russia has lost in Ukraine, is weak, has no manufacturing base, its economy is in tatters and so forth. The exact opposite of such rhetoric is true. But such talk is also dangerous, as it gives people false hope, encourages people to act against their interests and to make strategic blunders, as in using nuclear weapons against a nuclear superpower.

We will add one more bullet point to those above:

  • The war in Ukraine will be winding down, if not ended. But if it ends it will result in a new security architecture Europe-wide, which will probably spell the end of NATO, as well as the EU over time. The Russians, for all intents and purposes, have won the war. It is just a matter now of how they want to end it.

We should see this period, this quarter as a time of reset (not the so-called ‘Great Reset’), a time of clarification. Governments will fall, new leaders will arise (especially in Europe), BRICS expansion will annoy Washington and Wall Street to no end, and perhaps – finally – the Empire (Washington and its European charges) will at last realize the Sun is setting on their control over lesser powers. Perhaps they already know, hence their efforts to sow as much discord across the globe as possible.

For individuals this quarter will be somewhat of a roller coaster. But once the dust settles and new orders are established the world will take on a steadier rhythm. In the meantime, there is no need for fear or panic. In fact, new opportunities are always present in such circumstances. Stay calm, and stay aware, always on the lookout for those opportunities to present themselves. An old cycle is ending, a new one taking its place, with all the attendant mess in between. But we, humanity, remain.

A new world is dawning, one full of promise and light. The darkness we sense is the clarion call for that dawn. The darkest days of December (in the North) signal the return of light, slowly at first but inexorably. And so it will be in world affairs. The forces of darkness may laugh a little now, but they will cry a lot later. Nothing can quell the indomitable human spirit. Hold the thought clearly in mind, and expect brighter days ahead.

Featured pic from Soundcloud


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