The 14 March 2025 total lunar eclipse

The full moon of 14 March 2025 will also be a total lunar eclipse, seen as a blood moon. It will be visible over the entire Western hemisphere. This eclipse will particularly affect the United States and Europe and will signal the beginning of the end for the Western rules-based order. For more, read on…

This eclipse is the 53rd of 72 eclipses in the lunar Saros cycle 123. There will be two more total eclipses in this series. It will rise over eastern Australia and Indonesia, and set over most of Africa and most of Europe. The maximum eclipse will be viewed over the middle of North America just before 01:00, as seen below:

The chart for the eclipse is below (bigger):

First, we note Mars is still out-of-bounds, showing situations across the world are still volatile. This is a south node eclipse with Mercury as lord. Mercury is at its retrograde station. As Mercury goes retrograde the day after the eclipse volatility will increase, as there will be miscommunications, upsets in plans, failures in technology, and so on.

Next, the Moon is the leading planet in a sort of combined ‘locomotive’ and ‘bucket’ style of chart. In the locomotive configuration the Moon is the leading planet rising. In the bucket configuration the Moon is the singleton planet, situated across from a 32° stellium comprised of the Sun, Ceres, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces and Mercury and Venus in Aries. The full moon axis is rendered as an ‘easy opposition’ by a sextile between the Sun/Saturn conjunction and Uranus. What do we take away from these factors, then? We start with the Sabian symbols for the degrees of the lunation.

The Sabian symbols for the degrees of the eclipse axis are as follows:

  • The Moon: Mary and her little lamb (24° Virgo)
  • The Sun: On a small island surrounded by the vast expanse of the sea, people are seen living in close interaction. (24° Pisces)

Seeing that the Moon is the focal point of the chart, the Sabian symbol, the aspects to the Moon and the midpoints by the Moon are of the most importance. The symbol points toward maintaining our calmness and innocence in the face of all that confronts us. It is a call to non-violence in response to all situations. The trine to Uranus calls for original thinking and the instigation of new orders, especially along humanitarian lines.

Given the Moon faces off against the large stellium in Pisces (ruling oceans/the sea), we might surmise this eclipse will have significance for trans-Atlantic relations. We know also the old saying, ‘no man is an island, entire of itself…’ In fact, given the war in Ukraine and the increasing tensions in Palestine, it is worth revisiting the entire quote, from John Donne:

“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend’s or of thine own were: any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee.”

The Moon is conjunct the south node, meaning this eclipse is also implicated in the finishing of affairs and bringing up the past for examination. We know a path toward ending the war in Ukraine is beginning to be addressed, for example, though it is also likely to be at least months away yet. But the suffering there and across Europe (including Russia) has become too much and must end. It will be much the same in any individual’s affairs.

In terms of world affairs, especially for the West, the eclipse axis is also conjunct the Saturn/Node midpoint, which is often seen in separations and bereavements. This eclipse marks the end of the old order that has existed since the end of WWII and thereafter, the end of the Cold War. The US is stepping away from Europe in one sense – the end of the globalist agenda – and is ending the financial gravy train for Europe that NATO has represented. And the separations will be across oceans, with the US withdrawing back into itself due to domestic concerns.

The influence of Saturn will be in evidence from the day of the eclipse onward for a month after. The exact date for the conjunction with the eclipse axis is the 27th of this month. It will be the only pass of Saturn over the eclipse point. We can expect the ‘karmic chickens’ coming to roost from the day of the eclipse and throughout the latter part of March and much of April. Saturn usually shows activations of eclipses for a month on either side.

The Saturnian nature on the solar side of this eclipse points to throwing out the old rule book, as it were, and then looking toward the possibilities represented by the Uranian influence sextile to the Sun on the eclipse axis. This month and April will instigate a great amount of soul-searching across the West, an abandonment of the ‘rules-based order’ of Washington, in favour of a more realistic approach toward international relations. Crisis points are shown by the Mars activations.

The median date for the 1st Mars activation comes on the 27th of July this year, when it transits across the Moon. The eclipse will be activated for a couple of weeks on either side of that date, waxing in the two weeks before the median date and waning in influence thereafter. The 2nd Mars activation of this eclipse is on 1st Apr 2026 on the Sun. Then Mars comes full circle and contacts the lunar eclipse point on 4 July 2027. After that the activity of the eclipse will quickly wane. There are no other activations of this eclipse to speak of. The solar activations are every 14th of March and 16th of September over the next few years.

The culmination lines for the eclipse axis are shown below (bigger):

The lines for the eclipse axis pass through the middle of North America (Moon) and the middle of India, far western China, far eastern Kazakhstan and Siberia in the Russian Federation (Sun). Given the Moon line passes through the middle of North America the peoples of the US, Canada and Mexico will be the most affected and motivated.

On the other hand, the realities on the ground represented by the Sun/Saturn culmination lines will receive emphases and attention. The Sun and the Moon lines represent where the greatest reordering of priorities will take place. The overall main emphases shown by the culmination lines is over Central and East Asia, where the rapid development of the BRICS nations is taking place. There may be some conflict involving the Bering Strait and the Russian Northern Sea Route.

The nations affected by the eclipse will be as follows:

The Trump administration: Neptune
NATO: Mercury, Ceres
Egypt: Moon
Lebanon: Moon
Tunisia: Moon
Iran: Mercury, Mars
Mexico: Venus
Brazil: Mercury
Greece: Pluto
Saudi Arabia: Mercury
Armenia: Mercury
Gaza: Venus
Ukraine: Mars
Belarus: Mars

For North America the eclipse to the Trump administration’s Neptune is telling, showing confusion, weakening of initiative, uncertainty and troubles across the seas. For NATO the eclipse to Mercury and Ceres shows a change in dialogue and growing schisms within the organization. There will be similar influences for Brazil, the Saudis and Armenia. Iran is a special case.

The eclipse to Iran’s Mercury and Mars has already been indicated by Pezeshkian’s refusal to negotiate with the Trump administration amidst attempts by Trump to strong-arm the Iranians, telling Trump to ‘do whatever he wants’. War may be on the horizon.

Two of the critical points shown by the eclipse relate to the Moon, as mentioned above, with Lebanon and Egypt in the crosshairs of the conflict in Palestine. Tunisia, as part of the Arab world, could be affected as well.

Ukraine and Belarus no doubt will be affected by this eclipse to their respective Mars placements, given the situation in Ukraine. Ukraine will continue to suffer losses, while Belarus may be called into the fray, either by being attacked or in solidarity with Russia, the two being members of the Union State.

Lastly, regarding the few nations listed above, the Greeks are protesting against the corruption in their government, demanding justice for the victims of the Tempi train crash. Corruption is represented by Pluto. There is no trust in the country’s judicial system and the government denies any wrongdoing. There has yet to be a trial, while investigations are constantly interrupted.

This eclipse will be followed in two weeks by a partial solar eclipse, the latter which will highlight Western and Central Europe. Given the pace of events and the direction events are headed, these two eclipses will mark a decided change of course covering the next couple of years. The next couple of months look to be quite eventful and tense. Calmness and harmlessness are the order of the day.

Featured pic from Forbes


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