I have read somewhere that when dealing with Russia, one can either speak with Lavrov or one will have to speak with Shoigu. One goes first to Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister. If talks don’t work, then one has to speak with Shoigu. Sergei Shoigu is Russian Defense Minister. Recently Shoigu and Putin spent the weekend taking in the air of the forest, most likely in Tuva, Shoigu’s home base, and Shoigu’s workshop. Apparently the man enjoys woodworking and has a nice shop, from the photos. But that is not the subject of this post. Shoigu also has charge of another ‘workshop’, and it would appear that ‘talks’ between various parties and Shoigu will soon be taking place. Continue reading “Shoigu’s workshop”
The Chinese New Year 2021: The context from 2020
© Malvin Artley
Topics: The Iron Ox Previous Iron Ox years Common themes from the past Keeping essentials in mind A pandemic avoided? The pandemic in the East Our imaginary threats The propaganda list The bottom line |
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Continue reading “The Chinese New Year 2021: The context from 2020”
Hong Kong and the National Security Law
On the last day of June this year the equivalent of the Chinese Senate of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) passed the National Security Law in line with Article 23 of the de facto constitution of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). Hong Kong had failed to create any of the laws demanded by Article 23. Every time they tried to enact such a law, large-scale protests and riots erupted on the island. That was true in 2003, 2014 and 2019 and thus prevented the passage of such laws. The CCP finally had enough with the latest round, and as it turns out, most residents of Hong Kong have as well. To hear Western media reporting on the newly enacted law, it is one of the worst things that could have happened to Hong Kong. Yet, it was bound to happen at some point. But as with anything in life and in geopolitics, the situation in Hong Kong is not as it is painted in the media. Continue reading “Hong Kong and the National Security Law”
The Republican PNAC v 2.0
In case you missed it, 2020 is an election year in the US. On the 10th of June 2020 a Republican caucus in the US released its version of what could otherwise be known as the new PNAC plan for the US in the next decades ahead. Most readers will be familiar with the PNAC (Plan for the New American Century), most famous for its denizens in the Bush II “W” administration, a few of whom have made cameo appearances in the Trump administration, and one of whom just released a book. When you think of the PNAC, think John Bolton, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Elliot Abrams and the like, and the policies they represent, and you will be close to the mark in what this new plan inks out. It is called, “The RSC National Security Strategy: Strengthening America and Countering Global Threats”. It all sounds innocuous enough, right? Continue reading “The Republican PNAC v 2.0”
Countering the Yellow Peril
Narrative, that is. By all appearances, to many commentators the US has entered a new Cold War, this time with China. Russia has now been relegated to second place in the annals of American enmity. That doesn’t mean Russia is off the books, far from it. But the new great power competition in the eyes of the US is all about countering China. The question is, do we really need to do so, and if so, why? We will explore that here, along with some astrology. This will be Part I of a two-part article on why relations have gone so far south between the US and China, especially given the latest manifestation of blaming China for the coronavirus pandemic. Continue reading “Countering the Yellow Peril”
A little trouble in big China
[Update at end] If we were to read the news regarding China these days – and how can we not – one might be forgiven for thinking that a grave, deadly pandemic was in danger of sweeping across that nation, and putting the rest of the world at peril as a result (written 28 Jan 20). The rumor mill in social media has been alive and thriving in that regard. What are we talking about here? – the novel coronavirus, a.k.a. 2019-nCoV. There are rumors of a bio-weapon, Big Pharma trying to make a quick buck, the Chinese government on the verge of collapse, those lying Chinese covering up the true number of cases, the barbaric practices of the Chinese regarding animals (yes, that’s a trending tweet), and so on. A recent exchange on social media about this disease has prompted this article, especially any possible connection with Chinese New Year. For more info, read on. But first, a short video: Continue reading “A little trouble in big China”
The Dalai Lama and changes for China
In 2018, the Dalai Lama made the following statement regarding China. This especially was concerning the spiritual direction for that nation and relations between the Tibetan Autonomous region and China: Continue reading “The Dalai Lama and changes for China”
The Cancerian festival and eclipse
This post is for any subscriber who may have missed the mailing and for anyone else otherwise interested. My most recent newsletter has been posted on my site. You can access it HERE. essentially, it is a look at the emerging world situation and the obstacles to it, with all the usual suspects, and then some we may not have suspected. Continue reading “The Cancerian festival and eclipse”
What’s up with China?: Hong Kong
Given the unrest in Hong Kong, which is ongoing, and past attempts to destabilize China, along with the current trade war which shows no signs of abating, there is plenty to examine with the pressures on China, internal and otherwise. Continuing on from the first article on China, we move now to our present circumstances, with the focus the West is placing on that nation, especially Washington. With the G20 nations just finished, it will be helpful to look at China’s astrology now to see what might eventuate, and also where relations are headed. Continue reading “What’s up with China?: Hong Kong”
What’s going on with China?
Given recent events in China and what the Trump administration has planned for it in the near future, this will be the first of probably several posts about China, where events are headed and what we can probably expect. We are seeing massive protests in Hong Kong in recent days against the leadership there in relation to what is termed an ‘extradition bill’. But this needs to be seen in context. The fact is that factions in the West have been trying to bring the Chinese government in line with Western financial policies for decades, without success. Continue reading “What’s going on with China?”