Roe vs. Wade revisited

Few issues in American society have given rise to such heated and passionate debate as that of abortion. It is an issue about which most people have strong opinions, for or against and entrenched. There appears to be no middle ground, at least in the US, where abortion is seen as murder by opponents and a woman’s sacred right to choose for its adherents. Roe vs. Wade was the landmark decision that decided in favor of women’s rights in 1973. Now, in a recently leaked draft decision circulated among the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) justices, Roe vs. Wade looks set to be overturned. The battle for hearts and minds regarding abortion is on once again. But what is this really all about? Perhaps the US chart can give us some clues. Continue reading “Roe vs. Wade revisited”

Who is Zelenskyy? – hero or tragic actor?

Since the Russian Special Military Operation began in Ukraine, the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been thrust into the limelight. Depending on who one asks, Zelenskyy is variously seen as a hero of democracy, a puppet leader, a coke-head (and that is not Coca Cola) or a grifter. He started his career as a stand-up comedian and actor, most famous for his role in the Ukrainian TV series, Servant of the People, where he played a teacher who was thrust into the position of the president of the country – a case of life imitating art. And now he is thrust into the role of his life. Just who is Zelenskyy, though? Astrology gives us some clues. Continue reading “Who is Zelenskyy? – hero or tragic actor?”

What color is Kazakhstan?

Kazakhstan in recent days has been in the midst of the biggest protests and violence it has seen since its independence in 1991, leading a few comments to call what has happened, ‘Black January’. The present violence and protests allegedly began as a result of sharp increases in fuel prices. But as things progressed there it became clear that the protests began almost simultaneously across the country, strongly suggesting central organization, and Kazakh social media is awash with demands from the protesters, some of which also suggest foreign interference. This is a situation in development. We will begin to have a look at it here, to be updated as time goes on. Continue reading “What color is Kazakhstan?”

The lack of Truss in UK politics

In the latter part of 2021, as a Hail Mary to 2021 and as much to shunt her away from his problems, Boris Johnson appointed one Liz Truss to the cabinet position of Foreign Secretary during a cabinet reshuffle. The Russians may have raised an eyebrow at the new tank commander. Her appointment may come to be a move Johnson will regret – or maybe not. Since her appointment and since BoJo’s continuing gaffes and poor performance as PM, the rumour mill has been rife with talk of Liz Truss replacing Johnson as PM. As well as his Hail Mary move, the UK experienced its first exact solar arc square of Pluto to its Meridian axis, bringing in the New Year, in what is a clear and growing contest between the people and the government. For more, read on… Continue reading “The lack of Truss in UK politics”

The Black Tiger: a prequel

The 2nd of January marks the start of the lunations for 2022, this one being the new moon of Capricorn. It also marks something else, that being the start of the Month of the Iron Ox, or ‘The Ox on the Road’. If that sounds familiar, it should – the lunar year drawing to a close has the same name, and that means we have a situation for the lunar month call fu yin in Chinese astrology. That can be either fortunate or auger difficult times, depending. But there is more. Continue reading “The Black Tiger: a prequel”

The Russian R2P decree

On 15 Nov 2021 Vladimir Putin signed what amounts to a Russian version of the American R2P doctrine – the Resposibility to Protect. The situation in Ukraine is about to get very interesting. The gist of the decree is that Russia will protect certain goods going in and out of the Donbass region, as well as the people there. The people of Donbass are essentially of Russian ancestry and many people throughout Russia have relatives there. That is not the case with the remainder of the Ukraine. NATO leaders may just get their wish for more relevance, and sooner than they think, but what is arising is an event, pushed by the US and EU, that will have ill effects for the EU, and ultimately, for NATO. We will have a look at the decree, Ukraine and NATO here. Continue reading “The Russian R2P decree”

Will Biden meet with Tecumseh? Pt. I

Rhetorical question: Will Joe Biden have a summit with Tecumseh? And if so, will the summit be held in Tippecanoe? Most readers will know the urban legend to which these questions refer. But for those readers who don’t know the tale, the question can be rephrased: Will Joe Biden die in office, according to the 20-year curse? Seven of the eight presidents of the United States who died in office were elected on years that ended in 0 and which were divisible by 20. We’ll have a look here. Continue reading “Will Biden meet with Tecumseh? Pt. I”

Biden and Tecumseh, Pt.2

Following on from Part I of these posts, one of the reasons I was prompted to write on the topic was more personal than historical. In recent days we have been receiving news of deaths and impending deaths of associates, in-laws and extended members of family – all within timing and not unexpected. But that news has also given pause to have a closer look at death as shown in horoscopes. In this section of the post on presidents we move on to the assassinations and then a more in-depth look at Joe Biden and what the future may hold for him and the presidency. Continue reading “Biden and Tecumseh, Pt.2”