Some truth about 5G

Be afraid…very afraid of 5G! Or so we are told by our dystopian fans. It is part of a plot for world domination. It is also part of a plot for long-term depopulation efforts, to be used in conjunction with vaccines containing heavy metals that will turn us into antennae and…well, cause any number of side effects and will be the first step in us all being absorbed into the Borg. It is even the cause of the COVID pandemic. Didn’t you know that? That’s a pretty amazing plan, one might say. Or it all may just be a bunch of bunk and scaremongering by a fringe element or well-meaning but misinformed people who want to thwart any sort of technological progress. What is the truth, then? Well, we’ll begin to unravel part of that here and begin to separate truth from fiction when it comes to 5G technology. Continue reading “Some truth about 5G”