Brief analysis of the EU Parliamentary elections

Europe went to the polls over the weekend to cast its votes for the European Parliament. In our preview of the elections, upsets were in the wind, and that is exactly what took place. But it was not in the way that many commentators expected – with a surge of the far-right that seeks to break up the EU. As expected, the populist/nationalists in the UK, Italy and Hungary did well. But the real upsets came from other nations. We’ll get to all that in a bit. Continue reading “Brief analysis of the EU Parliamentary elections”

The EU Parliamentary elections, an overview

Europe goes to the polls starting tomorrow, and continuing through the 26th, to elect a new EU Parliament. These elections are going to be closely watched. Change is in the air, and the European establishment is ill-at-ease. Europe has taken a turn toward conservative/reactionary parties in recent years. Fears of the return of fascism to Europe are being whipped up. The mainstream media calls the emerging parties ‘far-right’, hoping to marginalize them. It’s not working. People are fed up with ‘politics as usual’ in Europe. Big changes are coming to the EU. But, is the future for Europe as dystopic as the fear mongers are saying? Continue reading “The EU Parliamentary elections, an overview”