Pt. II of Van Halen: The astrology of guitar legends

Following on from our look at Eddie Van Halen in Part I, we turn our attention here to other guitarists who have thought outside the box and advanced the art. The investigation into Eddie Van Halen and his life in Part I turned up factors in a chart that led on to looking at other legendary guitarists for similar factors and turned out to be an interesting study. I had a lot of fun with this piece and listened to some amazing guitar. Some of the people listed in what follows had difficult lives and had to overcome obstacles to get to their place of success. Some of them died tragic deaths or died young, and in their case we quote Neil Young: “It’s better to burn out than to waste away.” The thing that interests us here, though, are certain planetary combinations that go toward the manual dexterity and free thought of great musicians – in this case, guitarists – both of which go toward virtuosity and originality in performance. Continue reading “Pt. II of Van Halen: The astrology of guitar legends”