Bolton’s Thanksgiving wish

Insanity: Def – doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

The ‘Stache is up to his old tricks again. This time he wants a Thanksgiving turkey, as in regime change in Turkey. John Bolton, America’s favorite neocon, has decided Turkey doesn’t have enough democracy, so he has put together a little project to help Erdoğan see the errors of his ways and play nice with NATO. There is the Middle East to subdue, more mercenaries to train and well, NATO has to be united and strong to be able to go up against China and Russia. Oh, and let’s not forget Iran. Turkey must be on board, like fully on board. But The Sultan has other plans, it seems. To help things along, then, we have the latest in regime change projects: The Turkish Democracy Project. We can be certain the Turks will be most appreciative for ‘Big Mo’ Bolton’s help. Continue reading “Bolton’s Thanksgiving wish”