The Capricorn solar ingress 2024

We are all familiar with the saying, “It is always darkest before the dawn.” Our world seems to be rather in chaos at the moment, especially since the start of December this year. We see increasing military actions across Eastern Europe and West Asia, increasing terrorist attacks in Europe – Russia being the largest country in Europe – elections being overturned because certain nations do not like the results, increasing levels of threat, people and nations waiting in bated breath for the next US administration, and so on. Do we have need to be concerned, or is all this shown ‘in the stars’? To find out, read on…It is going to be a wild one. Continue reading “The Capricorn solar ingress 2024”

The Libra solar ingress 2024

On the 22nd of September this year we have the Libra equinox. This particular equinox is always about the balancing of forces and the choices we make regarding our lives going forward. As always the events of the preceding quarter set the tone for events to take place in the quarter before us. On the surface the astrology for this Libra quarter appear to be easier and indicative of greater grace in world matter. But looks can be deceiving, as we know. For more, read on… Continue reading “The Libra solar ingress 2024”

The Cancer solar ingress 2024 ([Note:] text added as updates)

The Sun enters Cancer on 20 June this year, marking the Cancerian solstice. Following on from the events from the previous quarter, this one appears as though it will be much the same as the last one, with a few differences. Starting from April of last year a consistent theme in most of the ingress figures at the equinoxes and solstices has been the presence of the Sun in a hard aspect to Neptune, either by conjunction, square or opposition. This ingress figure features a partile square between the two, which will produce significant evenets. For more, read on… Continue reading “The Cancer solar ingress 2024 ([Note:] text added as updates)”

The Aries solar ingress of 2024

The Aries equinox takes place on the 20th of March with the ingress of the Sun into Aries, marking the beginning of the astrological calendar. Always with Aries there is the note of leaving something behind in bringing in a fresh impulse. With its mythology and lore more associated with the northern hemisphere, Aries marks the start of spring and new growth. The theme of leaving old situations behind and seeking a fresh outlook is particularly pronounced over the next three months. For more, read on… Continue reading “The Aries solar ingress of 2024”

The Cancer solstice 2023

The Cancer solstice for 2023 takes place on the 21st of June this year at 14:58 universal time. We’ll have a look at the chart for the ingress figure in a moment. This quarter follows upon what has been a rather restive Aries quarter, which will be described shortly. But for the northern hemisphere vacation days are upon us. The kids are out of school and the parents here in Italy are looking forward to the month of August, which is when the bulk of vacations take place here. And by that time, the parents will be ready to send the children back to school. At least this summer in Europe we are looking at a cooler season with some much-needed rain. For those readers in the southern hemisphere the 21st marks the shortest daylight hours of the year, with lower than average rainfall and higher than average temperatures for the quarter. Ski season in the Blue Mountains is not looking particularly spectacular this year. For more of what this quarter it portends, read on… Continue reading “The Cancer solstice 2023”

The Aries solar ingress 2023

The Sun entered Aries on 20 March 2023, marking the Easter equinox for the Christian world, spring for the northern hemisphere and autumn for the southern hemisphere. The Aries equinox also marks the start of the spiritual New Year for the West. This year the Aries equinox has also marked a real turning point in world affairs. Many scores will be settled this quarter, with a new sense of direction for the world at large opening out before us. For more, read on… Continue reading “The Aries solar ingress 2023”

The Capricorn ingress 2022

The ingress of the Sun into Capricorn takes place every year on 21 December, marking the end of the calendar year and the start of the northern winter. Normally this ingress inaugurates a period of introspection, as in the year that is finishing. This year is different, however: This Capricorn ingress shows a real turning point in world events and a changed world order. It therefore shows an opportunity for fresh starts across the world. We will have a look at some of the major points here, with a wider exposition to come in the Chinese New Year letter – the Year of the Black Rabbit. For more, read on… Continue reading “The Capricorn ingress 2022”

The Libra solar ingress 2022

The Sun enters Libra on Friday, 23 September just after 01:00 UT, signalling the Libra equinox. It also signals the coming of winter in the northern hemisphere and what is shaping up to be a very ‘interesting’ period across the Western world. Federal elections will be held in Italy two days after, where a right-wing coalition government is slated to take power. It will be a sign of the times for the EU if so. And to make things even more interesting, on the day of the equinox this year, four Ukrainian oblasts will begin voting to secede from Ukraine and become part of the Russian Federation. For more, read on… Continue reading “The Libra solar ingress 2022”