The planetary indicators for 2021

Got a feelin’ ’21 is gonna be a good year? With last year in mind, we would probably have good reason not to be over-optimistic. But we start with a song:

“You didn’t hear it. You didn’t see it. You won’t say nothin’ to no one ever in your life. You never heard it, How absurd it, all seems without any proof… You won’t say nothin’ to no one. Never tell a soul, what you know is the truth” Apt lyrics, because 2021 will be the year of the great gaslighting across the West, along with a big dose of censorship. Je suis Tommy. Continue reading “The planetary indicators for 2021”

Biden: Adventures in chart rectification

Given Joe Biden is now the de facto victor in the Presidential race in the US, we want to have a closer look at his astrology. In this post that is all we will be doing, instead of looking at charges of corruption, his character or whether or not he will ‘restore the soul of America’. Opinions are just as hardened about Biden as they are about Trump. But such is the state of play in the US. It has been so for several decades now and will be into the future. There was a discussion of the latter in the Sagittarius letter for this year. But on subject, the birth time for Biden is given from memory from a piece in 1987 and looks to be rounded off. With that in mind, it would be a good idea to have a closer look and probably rectify his chart a little, especially if/when he becomes President. Continue reading “Biden: Adventures in chart rectification”

America and the 14 Dec 2020 solar eclipse

There will be an eclipse in less than a week, on 14 Dec 2020, which will fall across from the US Mars and across Donald Trump’s natal full moon axis. What could possibly go wrong? I have read comment to the effect that America has not been this divided since the Civil War. Maybe so. But the date of the eclipse perhaps will register for people who know a bit of civics: It’s the date when the Electoral College has to declare who won the election. The media has declared Biden the winner. Trump and most of his supporters are crying voter fraud. And Trump wanted to take this all the way to the SCOTUS. Who will prevail, and if voter fraud is proven, what next? And since Trump’s claims have been overall dismissed by the courts, including the SCOTUS, what next? We’ll have a look at the astrology of what will be a most interesting eclipse and historical moment in the annals of US elections here. But, before we get to the astrology and the background, we’ll begin with a quote to set the tone. Continue reading “America and the 14 Dec 2020 solar eclipse”

The Capricorn ingress 2020 and the Great Conjunction

We are in for a rare treat at Christmastime this year, starting with the Capricorn ingress of the Sun at the solstice. It will precede by a couple of hours an event that takes place every 20 years. What’s so rare about it, then, you might ask? The 20 year bit refers to the Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions, which happen at that interval of time. But this one happens to be at the solstice on the first degree of Aquarius, and it will be the closest one such since 1623, appearing almost as a Christmas star. Nice! No doubt you have heard about it by now, and no doubt quite a bit of woo-factor in relation to it. We will have a look first at what the ingress holds for the next quarter, and then an in-depth look at what this Great Conjunction will actually produce. Continue reading “The Capricorn ingress 2020 and the Great Conjunction”

The changing fortunes of No. 10

There have been some goings-on at No. 10 in London over the past days. Cain and Cummings have ‘resigned’ – actually have been summarily dismissed. That’s ‘Dom’ Cummings and Lee Cain, the dynamic duo of Brexit and the fingernails-on-blackboards for Ministers and journalists alike. Apparently, not too many people are sad to see them go. Regarding their departure, as a friend of mine used to say, “Glad to see your back!” In other words, good riddance. Then, to top it off, Boris is self-isolating again, something about exposure to a mild flu virus. ‘Where’s Boris?’ is trending again on Twitter. We’ll look at the astrology of all that here and what it means. Continue reading “The changing fortunes of No. 10”

An update on Trump

In a previous post on this site we had a look at Donald Trump’s adventure with the coronavirus and resulting COVID-19 illness. We have all probably seen doubts as to his ever really having had the illness. But his astrology clearly showed it, and his subsequently being healed of the disease. In this post we want to look a little bit ahead, because there was more to Trump’s story than was covered at the time. As well, we will look at the course of his illness and why, as so many people had hoped, Trump was not finished off by COVID, either by death or in leaving office. Trump’s troubles are not over, however, and there remain other possibilities for health matters to crop up. This is not a post on wishful thinking or warning, but instead a look at his situation in the light of cold analysis. Continue reading “An update on Trump”

The 2020 election morning-after: popcorn for breakfast

This is a preliminary report. Upon rising here in Italy this morning, the first thing I did was check the election results in the US election. As one German commentator put his experience on the same thing, “It’s weird having popcorn for breakfast.” The spectacle continues. As this is being written the US election for 2020 has yet to be decided. Both sides are claiming victory. Trump has said he will go to the SCOTUS to stop the vote counting, saying he doesn’t want a bunch of ballots found at 4:00 am. But, his margins of victory in states yet to be declared are narrowing. His pronouncement of victory is pure Trump showmanship, but it may prove to have been premature. And if either party wins by the slimmest of margins, the next two months will be echoes of the Florida fiasco we had in the 2000 elections, when “W” was declared the winner. We all saw what happened after that. There will be a further update in a few days, but read on. Continue reading “The 2020 election morning-after: popcorn for breakfast”

Some truth about 5G

Be afraid…very afraid of 5G! Or so we are told by our dystopian fans. It is part of a plot for world domination. It is also part of a plot for long-term depopulation efforts, to be used in conjunction with vaccines containing heavy metals that will turn us into antennae and…well, cause any number of side effects and will be the first step in us all being absorbed into the Borg. It is even the cause of the COVID pandemic. Didn’t you know that? That’s a pretty amazing plan, one might say. Or it all may just be a bunch of bunk and scaremongering by a fringe element or well-meaning but misinformed people who want to thwart any sort of technological progress. What is the truth, then? Well, we’ll begin to unravel part of that here and begin to separate truth from fiction when it comes to 5G technology. Continue reading “Some truth about 5G”

The 2020 Samos quake

At 11:51:27 UT, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck off the coast of the Greek island of Samos in the Dodecanese islands off the coast of Turkey. As of now there have been 2 dead and 19 injured reported in Greece and 25 dead and 804 injured in Turkey. The Turkish city of Izmir was the hardest-hit by the quake with extensive damage reported. Since the quake occurred in coastal waters, it spurred a tsunami, with social media posts showing water rushing through the streets in several coastal regions. The quake was the result of normal faulting at a shallow coastal depth. The area is prone to earthquakes and lies along the fault line between the Anatolian and Aegean Sea plates. Continue reading “The 2020 Samos quake”