The Black Tiger: a prequel

The 2nd of January marks the start of the lunations for 2022, this one being the new moon of Capricorn. It also marks something else, that being the start of the Month of the Iron Ox, or ‘The Ox on the Road’. If that sounds familiar, it should – the lunar year drawing to a close has the same name, and that means we have a situation for the lunar month call fu yin in Chinese astrology. That can be either fortunate or auger difficult times, depending. But there is more. Continue reading “The Black Tiger: a prequel”

The pillars of a different type of astrology

Most people know the animal sign in Chinese astrology that rules their birth year, probably because at some point they ate at a Chinese restaurant and amused themselves figuring out their sign from the place mats. Following on the Chinese New Year letter for 2021, it may be of interest to know, however, there is more than one indicator in Chinese astrology other than one’s birth year. There is a system in what is known as Chinese astrology (there are many different types of Chinese astrology) called BaZi Sen Sha, or the Four Pillars of Destiny. What this means is there are four ‘pillars’, or indicators, in one’s Chinese birth chart, not just the Year Pillar (comprised of the animal and the element or color). There are also pillars for the month, day and the hour of one’s birth, reflecting what we have in Western astrology. What is called ‘Chinese astrology’ is actually a complex system of numerology and doesn’t use planets or stars at all, but there are parallels between the two systems, East and West. But what interests us here is the Chinese system, which is prevalent across the whole of the East. So, if you want to know more about your other three ‘Pillars of Destiny’ and what it all means, read on. Continue reading “The pillars of a different type of astrology”

The Stars of the Four Pillars (BaZI Sen Sha — a reference)

What follows is an extended list of the ‘stars’ to be found in Four Pillars BaZi charts, keeping in mind that the term ‘stars’ here has no relation to actual stars. This document can be used and is intended as such for quick reference if one has their Four Pillars chart in front of them. There is a brief description of the main stars at the end of the document. The primary focus here is upon the relation of the Day Pillar and Day Master in particular to the other three Pillars, but other relations are included. It should be noted that some of these stars are simply different names for the same thing, with slightly different meanings: Day Breaker and Age Clasher; General Star and Gold Safe; Funeral Gate and Separate Edge. They are listed here together for people of differing exposure for ease of reference. As with all such influences, the meanings should be read allegorically, although they can produce the literal results! Also as with all astrology, there is a spiritual and a material interpretation for each of the stars, and they have to be read in context with the other Pillars and with a person’s innate inclinations. Never read them in isolation! Stressful stars can often lead to people becoming very successful in life if combined with other stars, too. Continue reading “The Stars of the Four Pillars (BaZI Sen Sha — a reference)”