The Great North American Eclipse of 2024: Washington comes to Jesus?

The total solar eclipse of 8 April 2024 is perhaps the most important eclipse of the year. There is huge hype about it in social media (see: ‘The full moon’ and ‘Eclipse humor’). Besides the fact it is a total solar eclipse, it traces its path of totality across central Mexico up through Texas, striking an arc across central states and finally passing out to sea from Newfoundland. It will be the first total solar eclipse visible in the US in seven years. The next total solar eclipse will not be visible in the US until 2044. But there is more to it than the eclipse visibility in the US. This eclipse affects the US, and in important ways, and comes at a critical juncture in American domestic and international affairs. For more, read on… Continue reading “The Great North American Eclipse of 2024: Washington comes to Jesus?”

The partial lunar eclipse of 25 Mar 2024

The first eclipse for 2024 takes place on the full moon for Easter on the 25th of March. It is a partial lunar eclipse that will be visible over all the Americas, Eastern Australia and the Far East of Russia. The maximum point of the eclipse will be visible over the Mountain Time zone of the US. As far as eclipses go this one is not that important in terms of events, but it is quite important in terms of the three major spiritual festivals, which are celebrated at the full moons when the Sun is in the signs Aries, Taurus and Gemini. For more, read on… Continue reading “The partial lunar eclipse of 25 Mar 2024”

The Aries solar ingress of 2024

The Aries equinox takes place on the 20th of March with the ingress of the Sun into Aries, marking the beginning of the astrological calendar. Always with Aries there is the note of leaving something behind in bringing in a fresh impulse. With its mythology and lore more associated with the northern hemisphere, Aries marks the start of spring and new growth. The theme of leaving old situations behind and seeking a fresh outlook is particularly pronounced over the next three months. For more, read on… Continue reading “The Aries solar ingress of 2024”

The ICJ ruling: What’s next for Israel?

On the 26th of January the ICJ gave its first ruling on the Genocide Convention case brought by South Africa against Israel. The case is still a ways from being fully decided, but the preliminary ruling gave probable cause there was in fact genocide in Gaza and the Israelis were told to cease and desist as well as to allow humanitarian aid through to the Gazans. It was a blow to Israel, and to the West. For more, read on… Continue reading “The ICJ ruling: What’s next for Israel?”

Operation Al-Aqsa Flood

On the morning of 7 Oct 2023 Hamas launched its response to the storming of the Al-Aqsa mosque by Israeli settlers, with its Operation ‘Al-Aqsa Flood’. There were claims that over 5,000 rockets were fired into southern Israel from Gaza. Israel has declared ‘a state of war’. In response, Israeli forces launched ‘Operation Iron Swords’ into the Gaza Strip. For more, read on… Continue reading “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood”

The Great Gaza Jailbreak of 2023

On October 9th 2023 a senior Hamas official announced it had ‘achieved all of its targets’ in Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, and was open to negotiations to end the conflict. Yet the conflict continues. In this 2nd part of our examination of Al-Aqsa Flood, we will look at the causes for the current operations (there have been many, and on both sides) and what this will mean for Israel going forward. Continue reading “The Great Gaza Jailbreak of 2023”

Israel’s moment of reckoning?

Israel finds itself in a bit of strife these days, what with the changes taking place in West Asia and East Africa, strife within its own borders, a White House that is not entirely sympathetic and resistance forces in the region who would be more than happy to see the Zionists gone from the region. Currently Israel has Bibi Netanyahu as its PM once again, for the 3rd time since 1996, but with a tenuous hold on power. Then, on the 26th of March Bibi fired the Defence Minister Yoav Gallant because the latter disagreed with the judicial reforms Bibi had proposed. Israel erupted. So, what’s going on? Has Israel’s moment of reckoning finally come? We’ll have a look at that here, along with Israel’s astrology. Continue reading “Israel’s moment of reckoning?”

Is Israel to become Palestine?

Israelis celebrated in the streets – Bibi was out, a new government is in. At least, some Israelis were celebrating. The celebrations may be short-lived, for reasons to follow. This post follows on from the last three regarding the recent Gaza-Israeli war, and poses the question in the title: Is Israel to become Palestine? Maybe the more appropriate question would be, will Israel cease to exist in its current form, possibly to be absorbed into the neighboring states? Or will a completely new state emerge? As events have shown and as the situation stands, it would appear the days of the Israeli Zionist state are numbered, for reasons we will outline here. We will look at some background and the astrology for Israel in this post in search of an answer to the question posed in the title. Continue reading “Is Israel to become Palestine?”