A brief review of the Christchurch tragedy

We’ve all heard the phrase, “Beware the Ides of March!”, from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. It is a day that is used to denote infamy in our present usage, but for the Romans it was a deadline for the settling of debts. And it falls on March 15th every year. That day will now be remembered in New Zealand for the worst of reasons, and for years to come. Police in Christchurch received reports of a shooter at the Al Noor mosque at 1:40 PM NZST on the 15th in the first of two events that would leave 49 people dead and dozens injured. In all, there were two mosques involved with the same shooter. He started at Al Noor and then crossed the city to the Linwood Islamic Centre, where he was interrupted, fled and later arrested. Continue reading “A brief review of the Christchurch tragedy”