The 8 Nov 2022 total lunar eclipse

The full moon on 8 Nov 2022 is also an eclipse, a total lunar eclipse. The preceding eclipse two weeks before, with the Sun/Moon lunation in the first degrees of Scorpio, has produced some strong results, some of which will be catalogued in what follows here. Although the latter eclipse is in a waning series, Mars was also out-of-bounds, increasing tensions and producing some violent and catastrophic events. The results of the present eclipse will be revolutionary, instead. For more, read on… Continue reading “The 8 Nov 2022 total lunar eclipse”

After the Saigon moment v 2.0, what now?

Now that the dust is beginning to settle a little after these historic few days in Afghanistan, we begin this post paraphrasing the immortal words of Roger Daltrey: “Meet the new boss. He’s not the same as the old boss.” Western media is in full flight at the moment with disaster porn, frightening pictures of people falling from airplanes as they try to flee Afghanistan, sensational pictures of mobs scrambling to get on those planes, claims of people fearing for their lives under the Taliban, and on and on. To hear the media tell it, Afghanistan is facing dystopia and regression into a new Dark Ages. What is the truth on the ground there now, though? We’ll explore that here in this second part along with the astrology of the event. But we can be sure that recriminations will resound in the NATO halls of power for years to come over what was clearly an epic fail in intelligence, among other epic fails. Continue reading “After the Saigon moment v 2.0, what now?”