On the 20th of January 2025 Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the 47th POTUS. And the Western world held its collective breath. The Western liberal elites were alarmed. The Orange man hath returned, they thought, dreading what might come. Conservative elites were quite happy – at last, a return to sensible values, they thought. They were not to be spared. Roughly half of the American voting public was relieved and happy with the result, while the other half shared the sentiments of the liberal elites. So, the question is, what is to become of America over the next four years? And by extension, what will become of the West under this administration? For more, read on… Continue reading “Trump v. 2.0 – Let’s change the subject”
The US presidential election of 2024
The results are in! And the winner of the 2024 US presidential election is…Wall Street, along with the American oligarchy. The American people lost, though change is coming. The Democrats had completely lost the plot, and the election. Oh, and Donald Trump was elected as the 47th POTUS. For more, read on… Continue reading “The US presidential election of 2024”
The partial lunar eclipse of 18 Sep 2024
The full moon of 18 Sep 2024 is also a partial lunar eclipse. It is also a supermoon, as well as the Harvest Moon for 2024. There will be two more supermoons after this one. But this eclipse will have some importance and bearing going into the US election in November, as well as effects for the US in April of next year. For more, read on… Continue reading “The partial lunar eclipse of 18 Sep 2024”
The partial lunar eclipse of 25 Mar 2024
The first eclipse for 2024 takes place on the full moon for Easter on the 25th of March. It is a partial lunar eclipse that will be visible over all the Americas, Eastern Australia and the Far East of Russia. The maximum point of the eclipse will be visible over the Mountain Time zone of the US. As far as eclipses go this one is not that important in terms of events, but it is quite important in terms of the three major spiritual festivals, which are celebrated at the full moons when the Sun is in the signs Aries, Taurus and Gemini. For more, read on… Continue reading “The partial lunar eclipse of 25 Mar 2024”
The Aries solar ingress of 2024
The Aries equinox takes place on the 20th of March with the ingress of the Sun into Aries, marking the beginning of the astrological calendar. Always with Aries there is the note of leaving something behind in bringing in a fresh impulse. With its mythology and lore more associated with the northern hemisphere, Aries marks the start of spring and new growth. The theme of leaving old situations behind and seeking a fresh outlook is particularly pronounced over the next three months. For more, read on… Continue reading “The Aries solar ingress of 2024”
The US midterm elections 2022
You may have heard or read the saying, “If voting could change anything it would be made illegal!” The quote is from Robert S. Bordon from 1976, often misattributed to Mark Twain. Democrats were gnawing at their nails on election night, fearing a red tsunami or red wave. Republicans were expecting a rout of the Dems. What we saw instead was a ‘red ripple’ (good name for a cheap wine), much to the relief of Dems and the fury of Donald Trump. We’ll have a look at all that here and what to expect going forward. Continue reading “The US midterm elections 2022”
The 6th of January in depth
We have all heard the statement now, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” We just had a good example of that in the US. This is Part I of a follow-on post from the epiphany post. That post was a general overview of the 6th while we waited for more information to be revealed. With this post we will go much more into the astrological detail and what is really behind the events of the 6th. What is coming to light is not pretty, and while the riot was bad enough, what came after the fact has ominous overtones, and what may come further on still may be even worse. But before we get carried away with dystopic fantasies, the direr predictions are not showing in the astrology for the US. Read on, then, as we sort out that historic day from the astrological angle, and look a little into the future. Continue reading “The 6th of January in depth”
An American epiphany – and more to come
Def: Epiphany – a moment of sudden and great revelation or realization. Wednesday (Jan 6) was a public holiday here in Italy, being a religious celebration. In the Catholic world it is the Day of the Epiphany, the Christian feast day that celebrates the revelation (theophany) of God incarnate as Jesus Christ. It was the day when the Magi paid a visit to the Christ child, the day also known as the Three Kings Day. It Italy it is also known as the day of Befana, who is a broomstick-riding old woman who brings gifts or a lump of coal to the kids. Yeah, it’s like a 2nd Christmas morning for the kids. She missed out on the Magi thing, so she has to work hard through the night bringing gifts to the other kids as a penance. But yesterday also had a great significance to the United States, and we watched all the goings-on here in Italy from across the pond. It was certainly a day of great realization for America, and a day of epiphany. The rest of the world looked on in disbelief. Continue reading “An American epiphany – and more to come”
America and the 14 Dec 2020 solar eclipse
There will be an eclipse in less than a week, on 14 Dec 2020, which will fall across from the US Mars and across Donald Trump’s natal full moon axis. What could possibly go wrong? I have read comment to the effect that America has not been this divided since the Civil War. Maybe so. But the date of the eclipse perhaps will register for people who know a bit of civics: It’s the date when the Electoral College has to declare who won the election. The media has declared Biden the winner. Trump and most of his supporters are crying voter fraud. And Trump wanted to take this all the way to the SCOTUS. Who will prevail, and if voter fraud is proven, what next? And since Trump’s claims have been overall dismissed by the courts, including the SCOTUS, what next? We’ll have a look at the astrology of what will be a most interesting eclipse and historical moment in the annals of US elections here. But, before we get to the astrology and the background, we’ll begin with a quote to set the tone. Continue reading “America and the 14 Dec 2020 solar eclipse”
The 2020 election morning-after: popcorn for breakfast
This is a preliminary report. Upon rising here in Italy this morning, the first thing I did was check the election results in the US election. As one German commentator put his experience on the same thing, “It’s weird having popcorn for breakfast.” The spectacle continues. As this is being written the US election for 2020 has yet to be decided. Both sides are claiming victory. Trump has said he will go to the SCOTUS to stop the vote counting, saying he doesn’t want a bunch of ballots found at 4:00 am. But, his margins of victory in states yet to be declared are narrowing. His pronouncement of victory is pure Trump showmanship, but it may prove to have been premature. And if either party wins by the slimmest of margins, the next two months will be echoes of the Florida fiasco we had in the 2000 elections, when “W” was declared the winner. We all saw what happened after that. There will be a further update in a few days, but read on. Continue reading “The 2020 election morning-after: popcorn for breakfast”