Most of us by now will recognize an adulterated Turkish proverb doing the rounds: “When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” Well, Boris, the clown has resigned and everyone hopes the circus will leave town along with the rest of the clowns, to be replaced with saner voices. But there is a question in all this: Why is he still sitting in Parliament doing PMQs? Has he really resigned? It would appear not. What is really going on here? For more, read on… Continue reading “Boris resigns (?)”
What gives with America and school shootings?
Once again America mourns the senseless and tragic mass murder of children at one of its schools. Once again, politicians are either offering “thoughts and prayers for the family”, or “We have to do something! This has to stop!” It doesn’t stop. The words, though full of emotion at the time, always ring hollow. Nothing changes. The media doesn’t help, either, playing more to people’s emotions than presenting anything meaningful. The event fades from the news cycle in a few days and America’s public amnesia sets in, as if programmed that way, until the next time a similar event happens. What is it about the US that causes such a terrible state of affairs – events like those rarely seen in other nations? Perhaps the US national chart offers some clues. Continue reading “What gives with America and school shootings?”
Roe vs. Wade revisited
Few issues in American society have given rise to such heated and passionate debate as that of abortion. It is an issue about which most people have strong opinions, for or against and entrenched. There appears to be no middle ground, at least in the US, where abortion is seen as murder by opponents and a woman’s sacred right to choose for its adherents. Roe vs. Wade was the landmark decision that decided in favor of women’s rights in 1973. Now, in a recently leaked draft decision circulated among the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) justices, Roe vs. Wade looks set to be overturned. The battle for hearts and minds regarding abortion is on once again. But what is this really all about? Perhaps the US chart can give us some clues. Continue reading “Roe vs. Wade revisited”
The end game with Ukraine [Update at end]
With the conflict in Ukraine now into its 2nd month and with media saturation of the events on the ground there, just what are the ultimate goals of all the parties involved? At the moment the main parties in the conflict are the US, Canada, and virtually all of Europe, including Russia. This conflict was forecast years ago by foreign policy experts in the US and Europe, yet the war itself is cast in the media as an isolated event, solely an act of Russian aggression, with no historical context. What are we to expect at the end of the fighting? Well, a lot of that depends upon who reaches their goals first. Continue reading “The end game with Ukraine [Update at end]”
The Black Tiger: a prequel
The 2nd of January marks the start of the lunations for 2022, this one being the new moon of Capricorn. It also marks something else, that being the start of the Month of the Iron Ox, or ‘The Ox on the Road’. If that sounds familiar, it should – the lunar year drawing to a close has the same name, and that means we have a situation for the lunar month call fu yin in Chinese astrology. That can be either fortunate or auger difficult times, depending. But there is more. Continue reading “The Black Tiger: a prequel”
Biden’s gambit in Afghanistan
The post follows upon the two-part post on the American/NATO pull-out of Afghanistan. The hysteria and negative reporting in the American media has been going on at full throttle, with reports already steering the narrative in the public toward sanctioning the Afghanis and at the very least delaying recognition of any government that is to be formed. The hot war that has now ended is shifting toward a covert and hybrid war, with the effort to keep Afghanistan destabilized already taking shape. This post will be more of a focus on the US, though, along with the astrology of the US and what it will mean for the nation in the immediate years ahead. Continue reading “Biden’s gambit in Afghanistan”
The West Coast wildfires of 2020
The Western coastal states of the United States are burning. We remember the terrible wildfires in California from the end of 2018. This year it is not just California, but the whole of the west coast of the US, excluding Alaska. As it currently stands, Oregon is getting hit the worst now, with over half-a-million people under evacuation orders. Not exactly what they need after Portland’s riots. California’s fires started in May and continue. Oregon’s started in August for the most part and the worst of Washington’s woes started in mid-August, with a state of emergency being declared for the state. Arizona and Utah continue to burn as well. What shows in the US chart that would signal such widespread devastation? There are indicators. What follows is a quick look at the astrology of the US in relation to these fires. Continue reading “The West Coast wildfires of 2020”
A typical summer in Iran
Iran has had a run of incidents of late that have many people pointing fingers at Israel and the US for sabotage. There have been fires and explosions reported on nearly a daily basis since 25 June, one at a missile production facility and one at the Natanz nuclear facility. There have been others at non-military installations. Activity on the internet after each of these incidents has led to wild speculation as to the causes, but no conclusive proof. For pro-regime change people it would seem to be a move toward a dream-come-true. But what is really taking place and is this a concerted effort to spread panic through Iranian society in hopes of overthrowing ‘the regime’? Or is it something else? Continue reading “A typical summer in Iran”
The Great Reset is happening now
The folks who go to form the Davos crowd have announced the theme of their next meeting, a so-called “Great Reset”, to be put forward at the January 2021 World Economic Forum. It has been called the most radical and ambitious economic plan the world has seen in at least a generation. If pushed through, it would involve programs the likes of which Bernie Sanders campaigned for in his candidacy bids for the White House. We all know how those ideas were received. Yet, Western Europe has had those types of programs in place for decades, though they have been eroded by successive administrations in those nations under the auspices of IMF rules and globalization. However, the Great Reset is already underway, though we don’t know how it will all pan out. The most resistant nations will be the US and the UK. The reset is also shown in the planetary cycles – an eclipse and a Great Conjunction. Continue reading “The Great Reset is happening now”
Is it a question of race or class with the Floyd protests?
In the midst of a still ongoing pandemic, the focus in the US has shifted to ongoing protests and incidents of violence since the death of George Floyd. These protests come just over 50 years after J. Edgar Hoover called the Black Panther Party “the greatest threat to the internal security of the country”. Why that was will become apparent later. Membership in the party reached its peak in 1970. Some comment has asked whether the Black Lives Matter movement are picking up where the Panthers left off. The protests today do reflect many of the same issues that motivated the Black Panthers to form in 1966. The question is, are the current protests in the United States about race, or are they simply a question of police policy, or is there something more to them? Continue reading “Is it a question of race or class with the Floyd protests?”