The Aries solar ingress of 2024

The Aries equinox takes place on the 20th of March with the ingress of the Sun into Aries, marking the beginning of the astrological calendar. Always with Aries there is the note of leaving something behind in bringing in a fresh impulse. With its mythology and lore more associated with the northern hemisphere, Aries marks the start of spring and new growth. The theme of leaving old situations behind and seeking a fresh outlook is particularly pronounced over the next three months. For more, read on… Continue reading “The Aries solar ingress of 2024”

The 2020 election morning-after: popcorn for breakfast

This is a preliminary report. Upon rising here in Italy this morning, the first thing I did was check the election results in the US election. As one German commentator put his experience on the same thing, “It’s weird having popcorn for breakfast.” The spectacle continues. As this is being written the US election for 2020 has yet to be decided. Both sides are claiming victory. Trump has said he will go to the SCOTUS to stop the vote counting, saying he doesn’t want a bunch of ballots found at 4:00 am. But, his margins of victory in states yet to be declared are narrowing. His pronouncement of victory is pure Trump showmanship, but it may prove to have been premature. And if either party wins by the slimmest of margins, the next two months will be echoes of the Florida fiasco we had in the 2000 elections, when “W” was declared the winner. We all saw what happened after that. There will be a further update in a few days, but read on. Continue reading “The 2020 election morning-after: popcorn for breakfast”

Election Day 2020

Astrologers always get asked about elections and their predictions for the outcome of the same. This year has been particularly charged in relation to the choices being made in the US election. Biden or Trump: who will prevail? Well, there is more to a presidential election that choosing between presidential candidates – much more. There are also elections for state governors, local officials and members of Congress. As it stands, this election is a whopper of a choice, the Presidential race being the least of it, and the astrology for the US shows the same. It is one of the most charged astrological figures for the US I have seen for some time. We’ll have a look at that here and what we can most likely expect as to the outcome of Election 2020. Continue reading “Election Day 2020”

The Libra ingress for 2020

The Libra ingress for 2020 takes place on 22 Sep this year. Normally, we would center the time and place for the chart at Universal Time. However, for this year, since this quarter will feature the US Presidential election, the chart is centered on Washington, DC. The general aspects for the world will be the same aside from the angles, but we will focus a little later on what in particular this ingress will mean for the US. Continue reading “The Libra ingress for 2020”

Kamala for president 2021

Yes, you read the title of this post correctly. We’ll get to why shortly. On 11 Aug 2020 Joe Biden (?) picked California senator Kamala Harris as his vice presidential running mate. And yes, there is a question mark about who actually chose her. We’ll get to that shortly, too. The pick in some ways seems logical, but at the same time more sceptical pundits and voters are correctly asking why. The mainstream media, which is largely liberal, is lauding the pick, which is also predictable. In this post we will look at Harris’ astrology, her policies and why she was chosen. All that is a given. But there is another point that needs to be made regarding this election, toward the end of this post, and points to why this election should lay to rest any doubts as to what is at stake – and that concerns neither Trump nor Biden. Continue reading “Kamala for president 2021”