Capricorn quarter update 2024

It is not customary for me to give updates on events this early into a new year or into a quarter, but events are such that what follows is merited. So far the Capricorn quarter and the New Year has been both exciting and interesting and not in the most positive of ways. As was forecast in the outlook for the quarter this Capricorn interval has started with a bang, and on several fronts. The events of this quarter thus far will have far-reaching implications and repercussions. For more, read on… Continue reading “Capricorn quarter update 2024”

The Eschatology of Netanyahu

Eschatology: /ˌɛskəˈtɒlədʒi/ Def: the part of theology concerned with death, judgement, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind.

Bibi Netanyahu has gotten himself and Israel into a real pickle. Seeing the commencement of the Al-Aqsa Flood operation by Hamas as his golden opportunity to finally rid British Mandate Palestine of the Palestinians, he has, along with his cabinet, grossly miscalculated the resolve and the ability of the Palestinian resistance. The IOF may think it has months to clear Gaza of Hamas, but more informed sources say Israel has only weeks instead of months to do so – and there are doubts that will happen at all. In this post we take a closer look at Netanyahu, where the conflict stands at the moment, and what the likely trajectory of the conflict is going forward. For more, read on… Continue reading “The Eschatology of Netanyahu”

Operation Al-Aqsa Flood

On the morning of 7 Oct 2023 Hamas launched its response to the storming of the Al-Aqsa mosque by Israeli settlers, with its Operation ‘Al-Aqsa Flood’. There were claims that over 5,000 rockets were fired into southern Israel from Gaza. Israel has declared ‘a state of war’. In response, Israeli forces launched ‘Operation Iron Swords’ into the Gaza Strip. For more, read on… Continue reading “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood”

The Great Gaza Jailbreak of 2023

On October 9th 2023 a senior Hamas official announced it had ‘achieved all of its targets’ in Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, and was open to negotiations to end the conflict. Yet the conflict continues. In this 2nd part of our examination of Al-Aqsa Flood, we will look at the causes for the current operations (there have been many, and on both sides) and what this will mean for Israel going forward. Continue reading “The Great Gaza Jailbreak of 2023”

The dousing of Burning Man

This is one of those rare human interest stories to appear in this blog, but it is of interest for many reasons, outlined as we go along. The 2023 Burning Man festival was planned to begin at the end of August and end on September 4th. That was the plan anyway. Then a little storm happened that threatened to rain on everyone’s parade. But in the end, and after a little delay, The Man finally did burn. And a little adventure and some good stories came out of the event. In looking back, the story gets a little muddy, though… Continue reading “The dousing of Burning Man”

2023 Marrakesh-Safi earthquake

On the night of September 8th a major earthquake struck Morocco south of Marrakesh in the High Atlas Mountains. To date almost 3,000 people have been killed by the falling rubble. Morocco is an ancient country with many buildings in its historic sections that are not reinforced against quakes. The same is true in the rural areas of the country. We’ll have a look at the astrology of the event here, as well as a proposed chart for Morocco. And there is more… Continue reading “2023 Marrakesh-Safi earthquake”

War in the Sahel or operatic undertones?

On 26 Jul 2023 there was a military coup in Niger. The Western-backed leader, Mohamed Bazoum was detained and confined to house arrest by the presidential guard, led by General Abdourahamane Tchiani. This was the 4th such coup in West Africa within the last three years. It points to a trend, with the old European colonial powers one-by-on being kicked out of their old African colonies. The recent coups were all in the Sahel region of West Africa a region once ruled mostly by France. For more, read on… Continue reading “War in the Sahel or operatic undertones?”

Prigozhin’s last Ride of the Valkyries

On 23 August 2023 the private plane said to be carrying Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner group crashed in the Tver region of Russia just north of Moscow. There were 10 people in total aboard the plane, including the top three leaders of Wagner PMC. Investigations are ongoing. Also ongoing are all the rumors circulating in the media and social media regarding the man, the organization, the reasons for the crash and so on. We’ll see what the astrology says about the event as well as going into some of the theories here. For more, read on… Continue reading “Prigozhin’s last Ride of the Valkyries”