Ukraine-gate, Ch. 2

As if America couldn’t get enough of Russia-gate or Donald Trump, Trump finds himself in hot water yet again. We covered the most likely reasons for it in the previous article, but in this one we want to focus solely on the man himself, since it is he who is being singled out for investigation. Is this the big one that will bring Trump’s presidency to a close? At this late stage of his presidency, there is reason to doubt  that it will. But there is quite a lot at play in the background. So, what was going on in Trump’s astrology in these past days that would show another such attempt to remove him from office? Continue reading “Ukraine-gate, Ch. 2”

Russia-gate V 2.0: “Ukraine-gate”

On August 12 a supposed whistleblower (we don’t know this person’s identity yet) leaked information about a phone call between Donald Trump and the Ukrainian president Zelensky, with the former asking Zelensky to investigate matters in relation to Joe Biden, Biden’s son and the DNC before and during the 2016 presidential campaign. The accusation is that Trump pressured Zelensky ‘mafioso style’ to do so in order to gain enough dirt on Biden to scuttle his 2020 campaign. There is a further accusation that the White House tried to cover it up. We are told by Trump detractors that this is the one, the ‘smoking gun’, the thing we have been waiting for, that will finally bring an end to the Trump presidency. So, here we go again in the US, with yet another attempt to remove Trump from office. Continue reading “Russia-gate V 2.0: “Ukraine-gate””

Boris has lost his gamble

On 24 Sep 2019 the High Court of the UK ruled that Boris Johnson’s proroguing of Parliament on 28 Aug 19 was illegal, by unanimous vote of the 11 sitting justices. It was a stinging blow to the government and a shock decision to many. Since then there have been calls for Boris’ resignation as well as Jacob Rees Mogg, and for the firing of Dominic Cummings, the probable mastermind of the plan. This has made for a classic case study in legal astrology, which we will get to here. It is also a pivotal moment in the Brexit debates. The Parliament reconvenes on the 25th, with the Speaker, John Bercow, having called for it to do so. Continue reading “Boris has lost his gamble”

Is this Bibi’s swan song?

On 17 Sep 2019 Israel held its 2nd election in a year after the dissolution of the Israeli Parliament in April. The election was cast as a contest between Benny Gantz and Benjamin Netanyahu, the latter having tried for a fifth term as PM. In reality, though, it was a vote on whether or not Bibi was still fit to hold office. Neither of the candidates’ parties scored enough seats to form government. The final count was Gantz at 33 seats to Netanyahu’s 31. Even then, Bibi had to cobble together his seats from a far-right coalition. Since then there have been calls for formation of a unity government between Likud (Bibi’s party) and Blue and White (Gantz), with Lieberman cast as the kingmaker. Gantz has refused, and now the Joint List (Arab) party has endorsed Gantz as their man to be PM. The question on everyone’s mind is now: Is this the end of Bibi Netanyahu? Continue reading “Is this Bibi’s swan song?”

The Libra ingress 2019

On the 23rd of September the Sun enters Libra, marking the equinox. The ingress figures into cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) are important markers for the year’s quarters in mundane astrology, as they are known as ‘world view points’ and foreshadow the general tone of the quarter and the major events that might be on hand for that quarter. Aside from also marking the start of each of the four seasons, they also mark the seasons of public opinion and geopolitical moves. The Libra ingress in the past has marked financial crises and wars. Will it do so this year? Let’s have a look. Continue reading “The Libra ingress 2019”

The 2019 Abqaiq-Khurais attacks

Just before the full moon on 14 September, at 3:31 am Saudi time, the oil facilities at Abqaiq and Khurais in Saudi Arabia were rocked by the first explosions and thereafter large fires, later claimed to be the result of drone attacks launched by the Houthis in Yemen. This was a watershed event. The attacks were mysterious in many ways, as we will see, but blame was promptly placed on Iran by Washington. Such a rush to blame without citing evidence has raised alarms worldwide, reminiscent of the lead-up to the Iraq War in 2003. Oil prices jumped 15% the day after, the largest single jump in oil prices in 30 years, as the attack immediately cut 5% of the world’s oil production. No deaths were reported. Continue reading “The 2019 Abqaiq-Khurais attacks”

Why this Israeli election is important and why none of them matter

[There is an update to this post HERE.] Israelis went to the polls today yet again, after only a few months, to try to see if a government could be formed from amongst the warring political parties in Israel. Polling on the day puts the Kahol Lavan Party of Benny Gantz a half point ahead of Likud (Netanyahu), with those two parties far out in the lead. Five months ago, when Netanyahu had to form a coalition, he did so with far right parties. But then the Israeli Parliament dissolved itself and forced another election — this one. It is an important election in some respects,and then in another way, not. We’ll get to the why in both cases as we go along. Continue reading “Why this Israeli election is important and why none of them matter”

British democracy in action, or a study in transits and midpoints

Since the proroguing of the Parliament on the 28th of August and the public outcry resulting, politics in the UK have been more than a little interesting. As the solar arc of Pluto to the UK Ascendant comes to exactitude at the Libra solar ingress (equinox) this week, there are also other factors being activated. Since that direction came within orb a year ago, it has also activated certain midpoints, resulting in the nation, “…coming under the spell or influence of another person. – Exciting or upsetting experiences shared together with other people,” for example. We will look at those factors here, as it makes for a good study of transits, directions, midpoints and national charts in general. Continue reading “British democracy in action, or a study in transits and midpoints”

The Virgo Festival 2019

For those subscribers who may have missed the mail-out, the Virgo letter is now uploaded to the site. You can either go to the subscriber archive page or read the letter in a web browser HERE. It is a look at Virgo, esoteric and everyday, the Green New Deal, the need for fusion, emerging ideas about the environment, several key events that will change the world in a big way and updates on current events — Brexit, Brazil, Kashmir, Hong Kong and more. Enjoy!

9/11 revisited

Eighteen years ago today the Twin Towers and World Trade Center #7 came crashing down, the result of terrorist attacks. Who the terrorists were remains a matter of debate among some people who have investigated the events of that day. It is a date that will be remembered on par with Pearl Harbor, the assassination of the Kennedys and many others. Most people remember vividly where they were on 11 Sep 01. I was living in Australia at the time and I remember how the world was gripped by the event, and the events that followed afterward. Our lives have not been the same since. And many quite disturbing facts have emerged since then, as well as an emerging path into the future which is much more hopeful. On this day we reflect on all that and look at where we are headed, along with the astrology and the deeper significance of 9/11 for the world. Continue reading “9/11 revisited”