The Cancer solstice 2023

The Cancer solstice for 2023 takes place on the 21st of June this year at 14:58 universal time. We’ll have a look at the chart for the ingress figure in a moment. This quarter follows upon what has been a rather restive Aries quarter, which will be described shortly. But for the northern hemisphere vacation days are upon us. The kids are out of school and the parents here in Italy are looking forward to the month of August, which is when the bulk of vacations take place here. And by that time, the parents will be ready to send the children back to school. At least this summer in Europe we are looking at a cooler season with some much-needed rain. For those readers in the southern hemisphere the 21st marks the shortest daylight hours of the year, with lower than average rainfall and higher than average temperatures for the quarter. Ski season in the Blue Mountains is not looking particularly spectacular this year. For more of what this quarter it portends, read on… Continue reading “The Cancer solstice 2023”

2023 and the Black Rabbit – the planetary indicators

The 22nd of January marks the start of the Year of the Black Rabbit. We go into this year with rising inflation across the West and much of the world, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and rising protest movements in many parts of the world. If we thought the Black Rabbit might bring a kinder, softer year, we would be mistaken. 2023 will mark a decided pivot in the international power structure, with all the attendant restiveness and uncertainty that such change inevitably brings. For more, read on. Continue reading “2023 and the Black Rabbit – the planetary indicators”