The trials of Deutsche Bank

Following on from our previous article about Boeing and its woes, there is another multinational corporation that is seeing its fair share of troubles as well. This company, however, has the capacity to bring about a crisis that would rival the Great Depression in its effects and bring about the end of the neo-liberal financial order. We refer here to Deutsche Bank. It has also seen its fair share of scandals in past years, too. And now, it is hemorrhaging assets at a rate of a billion dollars a day. Europeans should be especially concerned, but then, no one escapes if Deutsche Bank goes down. Continue reading “The trials of Deutsche Bank”

Is Boeing going?

The Boeing Corporation has seen better days. After the crashes of two of its bread-and-butter aircraft due to a design fault, it is facing a loss of $2.5 billion a month due to the stoppage of sales and grounding of its entire fleet of 737 MAX aircraft, the type that was involved in the crashes. Almost 350 people died in those crashes. It was avoidable, had proper air safety procedures in the course of manufacturing and testing occurred. It is a story of a lack of oversight, cost-cutting, the rush to produce, and profits over people. It is a story across the spectrum of US industry. Continue reading “Is Boeing going?”

The Earth in astrology

Unless one practices sidereal astrology, the Earth itself is hardly, if ever considered in standard astrological posts and literature. But it leaves an obvious question, as well as a hole in our interpretations. The Earth is a planet. It orbits the Sun. It interacts with the other planets. Why do we not consider it to be a viable or even important factor in astrological interpretation? Well in fact, the Earth does factor into astrology. We just don’t recognize it as such. Continue reading “The Earth in astrology”

The UK’s new PM, Pt I

The UK has a new PM, having been selected as Leader of the Conservative Party. As of tomorrow (24 Jul 19) – one Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson – otherwise known as Boris, will be sworn in as PM. Democracy in action. Oh wait…he wasn’t elected by the British people. He was selected by the Conservatives to head their Party. I forget that, as in Australia, people elect the political party, not the PM. So, what will this mean for the UK, Brexit and so forth? He says he is going to energize the UK. I expect he will, in more ways than one, if the featured pic is any indication. Continue reading “The UK’s new PM, Pt I”

What next for Turkey?

Turkey has been in the news quite a bit lately, due to the S-400/F35 differences in opinion (putting it mildly) between Erdogan and Washington. As a result of Ankara’s having received the Russian S-400 antiaircraft system, Western news outlets are now reporting that Turkey has been cut from the F35 program, to which it was a major contributor, especially in the area of manufacturing. It was to receive a number of F35 fighter jets in return, but now that has been suspended indefinitely. Why has this happened? What does the astrology say about it? But more importantly, what does it suggest about Turkey’s future and that of the Middle East? Continue reading “What next for Turkey?”

Epstein, and what this means for the US (updated)

Before we even start, this will not be a piece on the scandal surrounding Jeffrey Epstein. Instead, what we are interested in here is justice for the victims and what his recent arrest on sex trafficking charges means for the US. His recent death has not brought justice. There is still Ghislane Maxwell, who is just as culpable, as well as all the men who engaged in pedophilia. This is a case that is international in scope, too, involves very powerful and influential people and which cuts across the political chasm that we now have in the US. And, the arrest took place just after an eclipse to the US Sun, implicating leaders, following upon the last article on eclipses. So, if you are interested in what the wider meaning and outcomes of the case means, read on. If you are only interested in scandalous affairs and the latest dirt on Epstein and leaders, this won’t be your cup of tea. There will be another piece to follow shortly. Continue reading “Epstein, and what this means for the US (updated)”

What’s up with China?: Hong Kong

Given the unrest in Hong Kong, which is ongoing, and past attempts to destabilize China, along with the current trade war which shows no signs of abating, there is plenty to examine with the pressures on China, internal and otherwise. Continuing on from the first article on China, we move now to our present circumstances, with the focus the West is placing on that nation, especially Washington. With the G20 nations just finished, it will be helpful to look at China’s astrology now to see what might eventuate, and also where relations are headed. Continue reading “What’s up with China?: Hong Kong”