The Virgo Festival 2019

For those subscribers who may have missed the mail-out, the Virgo letter is now uploaded to the site. You can either go to the subscriber archive page or read the letter in a web browser HERE. It is a look at Virgo, esoteric and everyday, the Green New Deal, the need for fusion, emerging ideas about the environment, several key events that will change the world in a big way and updates on current events — Brexit, Brazil, Kashmir, Hong Kong and more. Enjoy!

9/11 revisited

Eighteen years ago today the Twin Towers and World Trade Center #7 came crashing down, the result of terrorist attacks. Who the terrorists were remains a matter of debate among some people who have investigated the events of that day. It is a date that will be remembered on par with Pearl Harbor, the assassination of the Kennedys and many others. Most people remember vividly where they were on 11 Sep 01. I was living in Australia at the time and I remember how the world was gripped by the event, and the events that followed afterward. Our lives have not been the same since. And many quite disturbing facts have emerged since then, as well as an emerging path into the future which is much more hopeful. On this day we reflect on all that and look at where we are headed, along with the astrology and the deeper significance of 9/11 for the world. Continue reading “9/11 revisited”

Kashmir, Pt. III: India

Finally, in this third section we will have a look at what the revocation of Article 370 will mean for India and why they went about it. The move has been called a ‘constitutional slight-of-hand’ and illegal, and on the whole it was the fulfillment of a campaign promise by the ruling party. Naturally, it has wide support among the Indian public, but what about the Kashmiris, who were not consulted? What will be the outcome for them? At this point, that is up in the air, but given India’s past behavior there, the outlook is not favorable for Kashmir. Continue reading “Kashmir, Pt. III: India”

Epstein: Is he or isn’t he — and how?

I like good mysteries. They sharpen the analytical skills, point us in different directions of thought, which we like to call “thinking outside the box” and often bring in new areas of study. More than that, however, they are a good measure of our common sense. Such is the current state of affairs with the mysterious ‘death’ of Jeffry Epstein. I put ‘death’ in quotes because we are only told of his demise. We have yet to see a body or an autopsy report. What do we really have, then? Continue reading “Epstein: Is he or isn’t he — and how?”

The Sirius letter

For those who might have missed it, the Leo letter is now posted on the main site.  It is a look in particular this year at the shifting sands of capitalism and socialism, sure to be dog-whistle words in political contests in the US and UK in the coming year. The topics covered are Brexit, the Italian leadership spill and what it might mean for us here in Italy, Ukraine, Russia and the US (as always), the Hong Kong protests and China, France, Romania, South Korea, Deutsche Bank and more. There is also a brief mention of the Earth in astrology and, of course, an esoteric look at Leo. You can see the entire letter HERE. Enjoy!

The trials of Deutsche Bank

Following on from our previous article about Boeing and its woes, there is another multinational corporation that is seeing its fair share of troubles as well. This company, however, has the capacity to bring about a crisis that would rival the Great Depression in its effects and bring about the end of the neo-liberal financial order. We refer here to Deutsche Bank. It has also seen its fair share of scandals in past years, too. And now, it is hemorrhaging assets at a rate of a billion dollars a day. Europeans should be especially concerned, but then, no one escapes if Deutsche Bank goes down. Continue reading “The trials of Deutsche Bank”

Is Boeing going?

The Boeing Corporation has seen better days. After the crashes of two of its bread-and-butter aircraft due to a design fault, it is facing a loss of $2.5 billion a month due to the stoppage of sales and grounding of its entire fleet of 737 MAX aircraft, the type that was involved in the crashes. Almost 350 people died in those crashes. It was avoidable, had proper air safety procedures in the course of manufacturing and testing occurred. It is a story of a lack of oversight, cost-cutting, the rush to produce, and profits over people. It is a story across the spectrum of US industry. Continue reading “Is Boeing going?”

The Earth in astrology

Unless one practices sidereal astrology, the Earth itself is hardly, if ever considered in standard astrological posts and literature. But it leaves an obvious question, as well as a hole in our interpretations. The Earth is a planet. It orbits the Sun. It interacts with the other planets. Why do we not consider it to be a viable or even important factor in astrological interpretation? Well in fact, the Earth does factor into astrology. We just don’t recognize it as such. Continue reading “The Earth in astrology”

The UK’s new PM, Pt I

The UK has a new PM, having been selected as Leader of the Conservative Party. As of tomorrow (24 Jul 19) – one Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson – otherwise known as Boris, will be sworn in as PM. Democracy in action. Oh wait…he wasn’t elected by the British people. He was selected by the Conservatives to head their Party. I forget that, as in Australia, people elect the political party, not the PM. So, what will this mean for the UK, Brexit and so forth? He says he is going to energize the UK. I expect he will, in more ways than one, if the featured pic is any indication. Continue reading “The UK’s new PM, Pt I”