The Queen’s last act

On the 6th of September this year Queen Elizabeth II performed her last act as regent of the United Kingdom – she handed the baton of UK’s PM to Liz Truss after accepting Boris’ resignation. It marked the end of an era. It may also have marked the end of the UK in its present form. So, it was her last act, you say? Well, do tell. Because on the 8th, two days after the Queen’s final official act, her family was summoned to Balmoral in expectation she was breathing her last. Did Liz Truss kill the Queen, then? Read on to find out… Continue reading “The Queen’s last act”

Has Trump just been trumped?

Americans will remember the Russia-gate scandal (How could we forget!?) and what it meant for American politics and public discourse. Remember discourse? On the 8th of August the FBI raided Trump’s residence at Mar-a-Lago in search of classified documents. Often after a raid like this a Grand Jury indictment would follow. So, has Trump been trumped by this raid, did he bait the FBI or is it yet another attempt by the Washington establishment to pre-empt another run for the presidency by Trump? We’ll have a look at all that here. Continue reading “Has Trump just been trumped?”

Pelosi and America’s China Syndrome

A syndrome is defined as a characteristic combination of opinions, emotions, or behaviour. If more severe, then it describes a mental illness: a group of symptoms which consistently occur together, or a condition characterized by a set of associated symptoms. Washington appears to have all the hallmarks of a China Syndrome, especially on the Republican side. There is another side to syndromes in popular culture, too, which is when a nuclear reactor core goes out of control and melts down ‘all the way to China’. Washington at present also appears to be going through a meltdown, but it is a sort of ‘reverse China Syndrome’, in that the actions of China and Russia are causing a meltdown in Washington. And the recent trip of Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan has just stopped the cooling pump to the reactor…

Continue reading “Pelosi and America’s China Syndrome”

Boris resigns (?)

Most of us by now will recognize an adulterated Turkish proverb doing the rounds: “When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” Well, Boris, the clown has resigned and everyone hopes the circus will leave town along with the rest of the clowns, to be replaced with saner voices. But there is a question in all this: Why is he still sitting in Parliament doing PMQs? Has he really resigned? It would appear not. What is really going on here? For more, read on… Continue reading “Boris resigns (?)”


On the 6th of May this year a new disease outbreak was confirmed, curiously only in Western nations. Why that is curious is because monkeypox – our newest ‘dreaded disease’ – is endemic in Africa. It has been endemic in Africa for ages, literally. So, why the alarm bells now, and why are we seeing it only in the West, at least at the moment? Oh, and it also seems to be found among a certain social group. And, in case that is not enough, there are certain folks already trying to pin this outbreak on a certain ‘unfriendly’ nation. This is going to be more fun than a barrel of monkeys! (not) Continue reading “Outbreak!”

Roe vs. Wade revisited

Few issues in American society have given rise to such heated and passionate debate as that of abortion. It is an issue about which most people have strong opinions, for or against and entrenched. There appears to be no middle ground, at least in the US, where abortion is seen as murder by opponents and a woman’s sacred right to choose for its adherents. Roe vs. Wade was the landmark decision that decided in favor of women’s rights in 1973. Now, in a recently leaked draft decision circulated among the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) justices, Roe vs. Wade looks set to be overturned. The battle for hearts and minds regarding abortion is on once again. But what is this really all about? Perhaps the US chart can give us some clues. Continue reading “Roe vs. Wade revisited”

Update on Ukraine 24 May 2022

What follows is an update on the Russian SMO (Special Military Operation) in Ukraine, now starting its fourth month. Like many readers, we all wonder how much longer it will continue. Perhaps astrology can offer some clues. As of this writing the Azov group has surrendered from their siege in the bowels of the Azovstal plant and the remaining Ukrainian troops in the Donbas republics are being pounded by the Russian and Donbas forces. Their end is nigh, either through surrender or other means. Continue reading “Update on Ukraine 24 May 2022”

Who is Zelenskyy? – hero or tragic actor?

Since the Russian Special Military Operation began in Ukraine, the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been thrust into the limelight. Depending on who one asks, Zelenskyy is variously seen as a hero of democracy, a puppet leader, a coke-head (and that is not Coca Cola) or a grifter. He started his career as a stand-up comedian and actor, most famous for his role in the Ukrainian TV series, Servant of the People, where he played a teacher who was thrust into the position of the president of the country – a case of life imitating art. And now he is thrust into the role of his life. Just who is Zelenskyy, though? Astrology gives us some clues. Continue reading “Who is Zelenskyy? – hero or tragic actor?”