The Libra solar ingress 2022

The Sun enters Libra on Friday, 23 September just after 01:00 UT, signalling the Libra equinox. It also signals the coming of winter in the northern hemisphere and what is shaping up to be a very ‘interesting’ period across the Western world. Federal elections will be held in Italy two days after, where a right-wing coalition government is slated to take power. It will be a sign of the times for the EU if so. And to make things even more interesting, on the day of the equinox this year, four Ukrainian oblasts will begin voting to secede from Ukraine and become part of the Russian Federation. For more, read on… Continue reading “The Libra solar ingress 2022”

The Libra ingress for 2020

The Libra ingress for 2020 takes place on 22 Sep this year. Normally, we would center the time and place for the chart at Universal Time. However, for this year, since this quarter will feature the US Presidential election, the chart is centered on Washington, DC. The general aspects for the world will be the same aside from the angles, but we will focus a little later on what in particular this ingress will mean for the US. Continue reading “The Libra ingress for 2020”

The Libra ingress 2019

On the 23rd of September the Sun enters Libra, marking the equinox. The ingress figures into cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) are important markers for the year’s quarters in mundane astrology, as they are known as ‘world view points’ and foreshadow the general tone of the quarter and the major events that might be on hand for that quarter. Aside from also marking the start of each of the four seasons, they also mark the seasons of public opinion and geopolitical moves. The Libra ingress in the past has marked financial crises and wars. Will it do so this year? Let’s have a look. Continue reading “The Libra ingress 2019”