Big Brother and his Little Sisters have your back

Some months back I wrote an article about Facebook and the Cambridge Analytica scandal. Since that time we have learned that there has been increasing censorship on that site, of anything that contradicts establishment narratives in the countries hosting the site, especially anything that contradicts US/European establishment narratives. But don’t worry. Rest assured that you will get nothing but the most accurate, up-to-date, unbiased reporting of any news via social media. Big Brother is seeing to it that all the fake news is removed from view and that your world view will be suitably insulated from the nasties that seek to usurp democracy and return us to the bad old days of eternal conflict, demagoguery and totalitarianism. Right. From a recent post in Moon of Alabama (required reading, even if it is a ‘fake news’ site): Continue reading “Big Brother and his Little Sisters have your back”