Trump’s ‘mild flu’: The illness and the spin

Everyone knows by now that Donald Trump has what he has characterised in the past as a ‘mild flu’. We know it otherwise as the novel coronavirus, the one that has had the world locked down. He tested positive for the virus on Thursday evening after arriving back in Washington from a roundtable meeting with supporters. As is the way, the netizens are throwing around all sorts of theories as to what is actually going on. Is he faking? Is this yet another campaign shtick? The man is a master of reality TV, after all. Will he die? How will the campaign be affected? Will the Proud Boys be stood down? The theories and questions are running hard and fast. Many comments I have seen are calling this poetic justice, or something along those lines. A year and a half ago, however, there was a post on this blog that suggested this very thing would likely happen. It will be linked later in this post. So, as usual, what does the astrology say about Donald’s case of ‘the flu’ and what are the likely outcomes and ramifications from it? Read on and we’ll explore it. Continue reading “Trump’s ‘mild flu’: The illness and the spin”

Kamala for president 2021

Yes, you read the title of this post correctly. We’ll get to why shortly. On 11 Aug 2020 Joe Biden (?) picked California senator Kamala Harris as his vice presidential running mate. And yes, there is a question mark about who actually chose her. We’ll get to that shortly, too. The pick in some ways seems logical, but at the same time more sceptical pundits and voters are correctly asking why. The mainstream media, which is largely liberal, is lauding the pick, which is also predictable. In this post we will look at Harris’ astrology, her policies and why she was chosen. All that is a given. But there is another point that needs to be made regarding this election, toward the end of this post, and points to why this election should lay to rest any doubts as to what is at stake – and that concerns neither Trump nor Biden. Continue reading “Kamala for president 2021”

Countering the Yellow Peril, Part II: The US

Peter Navarro, Trump’s trade advisor, recently stated, “We are at war with China”. He did not mean a literal shooting war, but his statement carried more meaning than that of a simple trade war. He then went on to accuse China of deliberately putting passengers infected with the coronavirus aboard flights bound for the US in the early days of the epidemic. It was an inflammatory statement. The American economy is perhaps facing shrinkage of its GDP by as much as 10% in 2020 due to its mishandling of the pandemic, while Asian economies are now almost up to full capacity, having clamped down the spread of the virus. So,why the heightened rhetoric? Continue reading “Countering the Yellow Peril, Part II: The US”

What’s up with the Fed?

This will be the first of several articles outlining the state of affairs in the West post-COVID-19. We’ll start with economics. A little over a month ago there were several headlines in open-source articles that carried the headline, “Has Trump Nationalized the Fed?”, or words to that effect. The US Federal Reserve has been a favorite of speculation, conspiracy theory, revile and even praise for years. We won’t be examining issues like foreign ownership in the Fed here. But recently, with the outbreak of the coronavirus in the US, it has been directed to start buying up junk bonds and the like to the tune of trillions of dollars at what many commentators see as an alarming turn of events, while using BlackRock as its agent. What exactly has happened to The Fed, then, and where will it likely land the country in the near future? Or the world for that matter? It’s been said that when the US sneezes the world catches cold, or in this case, a crowning virus. We’ll explore the astrology of The Fed here and see what clues are offered. Continue reading “What’s up with the Fed?”

The US and COVID-19

This post is actually an update on the progress of the coronavirus pandemic, now called COVID-19. Here in Italy we have been in lockdown nationwide since March 10, which is the proper way to handle such an outbreak. We will get to why in due course. But, the particular focus here will be on the United States and its handling of this crisis, which will be reflected in the UK, too. It has yet to really affect the US. But it will, and hard, and that will affect the election and policy into the future, like the need for universal healthcare, for instance. We will examine that, too, and why, as I have many friends and all of my blood relatives in the US. What happens there will be particularly relevant to the world at large. COVID-19, as we have gradually found out, is anything but a ‘mild flu’, as many of our American leaders have tried to paint it. Continue reading “The US and COVID-19”


Red flags can signify many things. There is one in particular that reflects the old maxim: Revenge is a dish best served cold. On 4 January the Iranians hoisted their red flag on the top of Jamkaran Mosque, in Qom, Iran in response to the assassination of their favorite son, Major General Qasem Soleimani. He was targeted in what has turned out to be an act of treachery by the Trump administration, which we will examine in due course, and in what will probably come to be known as one of the greatest blunders of foreign policy strategy in recent US history. If this already sounds like an apologist piece, read on, because appearances are often deceptive and as is usually the case, there is more to this than meets the eye. Continue reading “Soleimani”

Operation Peace Spring and Rojava

On 9 Oct 2019 the Turks finally made good on their threats and invaded northern Syria. The US betrayed the Kurds, yet again, by pulling their troops back from the border of Turkey and commanding the Kurds to dismantle their posts there. Then began the Turkish operation code-named “Peace Spring” – an ironic name, really. However, it may bring just that in the second quarter of 2020, but probably not to the overall liking of the Turks or Washington. We’ll see why as we go along. Rojava may have just been consigned to the realm of dreams rather than reality. Continue reading “Operation Peace Spring and Rojava”

Ukraine-gate, Ch. 2

As if America couldn’t get enough of Russia-gate or Donald Trump, Trump finds himself in hot water yet again. We covered the most likely reasons for it in the previous article, but in this one we want to focus solely on the man himself, since it is he who is being singled out for investigation. Is this the big one that will bring Trump’s presidency to a close? At this late stage of his presidency, there is reason to doubt  that it will. But there is quite a lot at play in the background. So, what was going on in Trump’s astrology in these past days that would show another such attempt to remove him from office? Continue reading “Ukraine-gate, Ch. 2”

Russia-gate V 2.0: “Ukraine-gate”

On August 12 a supposed whistleblower (we don’t know this person’s identity yet) leaked information about a phone call between Donald Trump and the Ukrainian president Zelensky, with the former asking Zelensky to investigate matters in relation to Joe Biden, Biden’s son and the DNC before and during the 2016 presidential campaign. The accusation is that Trump pressured Zelensky ‘mafioso style’ to do so in order to gain enough dirt on Biden to scuttle his 2020 campaign. There is a further accusation that the White House tried to cover it up. We are told by Trump detractors that this is the one, the ‘smoking gun’, the thing we have been waiting for, that will finally bring an end to the Trump presidency. So, here we go again in the US, with yet another attempt to remove Trump from office. Continue reading “Russia-gate V 2.0: “Ukraine-gate””

The 2019 Iranian-US drone incident

In the pre-dawn hours of 20 June 2019, the Iranians shot down a US surveillance drone they claimed had violated their airspace. The US made the counter-claim that the drone was in international waters and was a strike against a US asset. This turns out to be a rather interesting story with many implications, at the risk of harping on about the Middle East. However, events there could quickly spiral out of control, into a catastrophic conflict. And we came very close to that very thing in those pre-dawn hours. Continue reading “The 2019 Iranian-US drone incident”