Update on Myanmar’s color revolution

Not even two weeks after Biden’s inauguration in the US, there was what was widely called a coup in Myanmar. In the first post on this blog regarding events there, I put forward the scenario that what was taking place was not your standard coup, but a ‘readjustment’ of sorts. Now there is little doubt as to what is happening in Myanmar: We are watching yet another attempt at a color revolution in that troubled land. Conspiracy? Chinese interference? Another military takeover? The Russians are behind it? Read on. But the violence taking place in Myanmar has an old familiar smell and the true colors of the belligerents are starting to show. Continue reading “Update on Myanmar’s color revolution”

A Ukrainian fandango [Updated at end]

Fandango: Def. – 1) a Spanish dance, or 2) tomfoolery (a foolish activity)

Most readers will have heard by now about increasing Russian aggression and troop movements in far eastern Ukraine. That’s the story we get – “Russian aggression”. Ukrainian forces, egged on by certain NATO partners, have chosen to forego talks with Lavrov over the increasing tensions in Ukraine. As a result, and reading from the 1st two parts of this series of posts, we hold the thought there will be no ‘conversation’ between the Ukrainian armed forces and Shoigu about the Donbass or Crimea. But the situation there is looking increasingly to be the case. Rumor has it that there may be a full assault on the Donbass by mid-April – the 15th to be exact – the date for the region to turn hot, or sometime in May at the latest. We need to have a look at this rapidly evolving situation. Continue reading “A Ukrainian fandango [Updated at end]”

ScoMo’s ‘women problems’

It would appear that some Aussie pollies assume their fortunes extend to asserting their mandated right, by virtue of being elected, to abuse women peers and young staffers. In the latest episode, from the day after Valentine’s day (cringe-worthy, that) Australia has been roiled once again with yet another sex scandal, this time with Liberal Party pollies getting their jollies in Parliament House and generally harassing some of their women peers in the process. The National Party occasionally gets called out, too. Not a good look, boys. I wouldn’t go so far as to call them ‘mates’. ScoMo, the PM (a.k.a. ‘Slow Mo’ and ‘Scotty from Marketing’) is not exactly helping himself or the situation, either. I could be more pointed about the matter, and I will later in this piece. But for now, we want to look at what is going on in the Aussie chart, and if there is anything in particular that would indicate such a trend over the years. (I’ve heard a lot of goss on the subject, having lived there for almost 20 years. And no, I won’t be telling stories. This piece isn’t about prurient curiosity.) Continue reading “ScoMo’s ‘women problems’”

The Ever Given incident (final report at end)

The Ever Given is a huge container ship, Japanese-built, owned and operated by the Taiwanese company Evergreen Marine Corporation. On the 23rd of March this year the Ever Given ran aground at the Red Sea end of the Suez Canal, near Suez, clogging the canal and blocking scores of ships from transit through the canal. As of 3 Apr, with this update, the ship has been refloated and the canal cleared. The operator of the ship has apologized for the incident, and will probably have to pay out BIGLY for interruptions to shipping and for re-floating the ship. But this story is about more than a simple, if costly, shipping incident. Continue reading “The Ever Given incident (final report at end)”

Shoigu’s workshop

I have read somewhere that when dealing with Russia, one can either speak with Lavrov or one will have to speak with Shoigu. One goes first to Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister. If talks don’t work, then one has to speak with Shoigu. Sergei Shoigu is Russian Defense Minister. Recently Shoigu and Putin spent the weekend taking in the air of the forest, most likely in Tuva, Shoigu’s home base, and Shoigu’s workshop. Apparently the man enjoys woodworking and has a nice shop, from the photos. But that is not the subject of this post. Shoigu also has charge of another ‘workshop’, and it would appear that ‘talks’ between various parties and Shoigu will soon be taking place. Continue reading “Shoigu’s workshop”

Shoigu’s other workshop

Following from the post about Syria, we move on to consider the situation in Ukraine, and whether or not Ukrainian and NATO partners would rather speak with Lavrov or with Shoigu. It would appear at the moment that Ukrainians, at least the ones in power in Kiev and nationalist minorities, would prefer to speak with Shoigu, given the points outlined in the previous article. There is also an ulterior motive with the NATO forces – largely an Atlanticist contingent – in pushing for a conflict in eastern Ukraine. We will outline what that might be here, as well as what the astrology is showing for Ukraine, which is looking to be increasingly fractious. Continue reading “Shoigu’s other workshop”

The Aries solar ingress 2021

With the solar ingress into Aries every year we start a new astrological cycle. As it turns out, this year also marks the start of a braver new world, and for many reasons. Much of why that would be will be covered in my Aries letter for 2021. We will touch on a few of the points here. In general, the Aries quarter will be marked by sudden events, some upsets, strong rhetoric and ‘messaging’, rebellion and a strong urge to freedom. We will see these sorts of events at home and abroad. And with the new boss in town (or so he thinks), we already see that the more things change sometimes, the more they stay the same. With these ideas in mind, we go to examine this quarter, from March through June. Continue reading “The Aries solar ingress 2021”

Vacationing in Cancún

I can imagine there are quite a few Texans who wished they could have been on vacation in Cancún right about mid-February this year. Around that time of year weather in Cancún is 80°F. Texas was a bit colder, as in below freezing. But it reached balmy highs of 42°F in those days in Texas. So, why talk about the weather when there is so much else going on in the US and the world? The South of the US was in the midst of enduring the effects of a strong winter storm, soon followed by another. But it is a story that is much more than tales of a winter wonderland. This one involves politics, economics, sterling personalities and hypocrisy. People in Texas will remember the name ‘Uri’ come the next election. You can take that one to the bank. They will also remember the name of one ‘Lyin’ Ted’. And no, Uri is not a Russian name and nor did they hack the US weather or the Texas power grid, just FYI. Continue reading “Vacationing in Cancún”

The pillars of a different type of astrology

Most people know the animal sign in Chinese astrology that rules their birth year, probably because at some point they ate at a Chinese restaurant and amused themselves figuring out their sign from the place mats. Following on the Chinese New Year letter for 2021, it may be of interest to know, however, there is more than one indicator in Chinese astrology other than one’s birth year. There is a system in what is known as Chinese astrology (there are many different types of Chinese astrology) called BaZi Sen Sha, or the Four Pillars of Destiny. What this means is there are four ‘pillars’, or indicators, in one’s Chinese birth chart, not just the Year Pillar (comprised of the animal and the element or color). There are also pillars for the month, day and the hour of one’s birth, reflecting what we have in Western astrology. What is called ‘Chinese astrology’ is actually a complex system of numerology and doesn’t use planets or stars at all, but there are parallels between the two systems, East and West. But what interests us here is the Chinese system, which is prevalent across the whole of the East. So, if you want to know more about your other three ‘Pillars of Destiny’ and what it all means, read on. Continue reading “The pillars of a different type of astrology”