Prigozhin’s last Ride of the Valkyries

On 23 August 2023 the private plane said to be carrying Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner group crashed in the Tver region of Russia just north of Moscow. There were 10 people in total aboard the plane, including the top three leaders of Wagner PMC. Investigations are ongoing. Also ongoing are all the rumors circulating in the media and social media regarding the man, the organization, the reasons for the crash and so on. We’ll see what the astrology says about the event as well as going into some of the theories here. For more, read on… Continue reading “Prigozhin’s last Ride of the Valkyries”

The 2023 Maui wildfires

From early August 2023 the islands of Hawaii have been experiencing wildfires, particularly on the island of Maui. The fires on Maui have been described as the worst wildfires in terms of casualties since 1918, with the fire in Cloquet, Minnesota having held the record up till now. Thus far over 100 people have been documented as having died in the fires with over 1300 missing. Figures vary, but the ferocity of the fires was contributed to by high winds, sometimes gusting to 60 mph, coming from hurricane Dora located far to the south of the islands. There is much to this story, which is one of government incompetence or even malfeasance, with many hard questions going unanswered. For more, read on… Continue reading “The 2023 Maui wildfires”

Yevgeny’s not-so-excellent adventure

There was a little excitement in Russia over the weekend. At last, the hoped-for victory was in sight, or so some people thought. But on the 24th, Eugene catered his last meals in Russia and the folks anticipating regime change in Moscow saw their hopes dashed by ‘Sasha’ Lukashenko – another leader they had hoped to overthrow. So, Eugene (Yevgeny) Prigozhin is now in Belarus, facing parts and a future unknown. To understand this saga, we start with this old favorite. For more, read on after the song…

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Kakhovka and the coming readjustment (updated at end)

The delta area of the Dnieper River in Ukraine resembles the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna in recent days. Early in the morning of the 6th of June 2023 the Nova Kakhovka dam failed and began flooding the areas downstream. Its failure was immediately labelled to be an act of sabotage and terrorism on both sides – Ukrainian/Western and Russian. But was it, though? As of this writing there are no clear answers as to what really happened to the dam to cause it to fail. What does the astrology tell us about the event? We will look at that and more here. For more, read on… Continue reading “Kakhovka and the coming readjustment (updated at end)”

Chernobyl redux or fog of war?

You will not have heard anything in the mainstream media about what is to be outlined here. Early in the morning on the 13th of May 2023 a huge explosion took place in the village of Hrushevitsya, Ukraine, in the center of the Khmelnytskyy oblast. It has been dubbed the largest explosion thus far in the Ukrainian conflict. There are several reasons to examine this particular event. Aside from the astrology and the fog of war, it represents what might become a bitter irony for the UK and Ukraine. For more, read on… Continue reading “Chernobyl redux or fog of war?”

The Aries solar ingress 2023

The Sun entered Aries on 20 March 2023, marking the Easter equinox for the Christian world, spring for the northern hemisphere and autumn for the southern hemisphere. The Aries equinox also marks the start of the spiritual New Year for the West. This year the Aries equinox has also marked a real turning point in world affairs. Many scores will be settled this quarter, with a new sense of direction for the world at large opening out before us. For more, read on… Continue reading “The Aries solar ingress 2023”

The Great American Balloon Panic of 2023

On 16th of February 2023 grave fears were expressed for the plight of a hobby balloon launched by the Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade (NIBBB). Their balloon has gone missing. The fear is it was shot down by the USAF with a heat-seeking missile. Why the Air Force would have used a heat-seeking missile on a $12 hobby balloon is a mystery, because the balloon had no on-board propulsion or other technology that would emit heat. There must have been some really nefarious tech on-board that balloon. To their credit, NIBBB is not as yet pointing fingers at the USAF, but the disappearance comes on the heels of other balloons similarly shot down, if indeed their balloon was popped by the USAF. This is a developing story. For more, read on… Continue reading “The Great American Balloon Panic of 2023”

2023 and the Black Rabbit – the planetary indicators

The 22nd of January marks the start of the Year of the Black Rabbit. We go into this year with rising inflation across the West and much of the world, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and rising protest movements in many parts of the world. If we thought the Black Rabbit might bring a kinder, softer year, we would be mistaken. 2023 will mark a decided pivot in the international power structure, with all the attendant restiveness and uncertainty that such change inevitably brings. For more, read on. Continue reading “2023 and the Black Rabbit – the planetary indicators”

The end of the war in Ukraine

Speculation among military and intelligence people is at a peak these days as to what is about to befall Ukraine. Will the war be long and drawn out, as the United States would like to see, or will there be a very large Russian winter offensive that will finally bring a close to the affair? Military analysts tend to err on the latter, for many reasons. We will look at all that here, along with Ukraine’s astrology. Continue reading “The end of the war in Ukraine”